Rope Dart Extra Turn - An Obvious Mistake

For me, the honor system makes only sense when i can downrank people for useing such damn metateams. But we are all best friends and want the best for each other… So only positive options are useable.

Just want to say i miss the days of single troop defense.

Long live @Saluki

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Nobody complains, but it makes you feel pretty bad nevertheless. And yes I’m in a B1 xbox team too. I’ve seen guild mates apologise when it happens to them, but my response is always that there’s no need to say sorry, it could happen to anybody and it just so happens to be their turn this week.


100% needs a nerf. Having all 5 of the following on one card is to much.

  • Entangles troop
  • Destroys shield
  • Messes up order of troops
  • Does damage
  • Gets an extra turn

Either that or get rid of the Empowered trait for all troops.


I don’t think it’s very nice (or fair) to say people who read Slyp’s posts are dumber for it. I read them, and l often find them well-argued and thoughtful.

Sometimes the posts are off-topic.

Sometimes they’re mean-spirited.

And I could do without the posts that fall into either one of those two categories.

But no one on this forum (or anywhere) is perfect, and we’re all (supposedly) here to read what other people write, even when (especially when!) what they think is different from what we already think.


If your thumb is a little sore from all that scrolling, I could recommend another use for it.

Seriously though, is an ad hominem attack really necessary. No one is forcing you to read them, but complaining about it is a bit juvenile.

For your benefit, here is the tldr: Rope dart does many things, has a couple key troops that synergizes better than the rest, creating a boring, cookie cutter experience that, regardless how fun it is to use on offense, is not fun on defense, regardless of how “hard” it is.


The only thing that makes me feel better than the people who like my post is the fan club I have of people whose lives aren’t complete unless they reply about how they never read my posts.

I’ll make a version suited for your attention span.

Rope Dart make PvP easy. TUFTED TITMOUSE!

Rope Dart make GW easy. KITTENS!

Rope Dart make Invasion, Raid Boss, Pet Rescue, Delve, Arena, Dungeon, Explore, Class Event, and Bounty Hunt easy. VELOCIRAPTOR!

You say game too easy, but want Rope Dart stay same. DONALD TRUMP!

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why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Okay, Kevin :joy:


I agree,It needs to be rebalanced.

When people get booted for bad guild war scores then its a problem. No guildleader cares you lost to rope dart x amount of times in a gw week its the final score that matters and therefore your labled a bad player and get booted because of 1 stupid troop that the devs fail to address. Yes you can beat it but if rope fills up 1st then its pretty much game over.

I’m not going to re-quote the whole post, but to be honest I haven’t laughed so hard at a post on these forums for a long time!!!


Yes, some guilds do have minimum wars score as a requirement so it would be unfortunate if a good player was demoted or kicked because of a run of bad luck. Personally, I acknowledge that rope dart is a strong weapon but mainly because of how it works so much more effectively on account of moon rabbit. However, after the castration of dragon eye following a string of protests, I expect a similarly debilitating nerf on dart if people keep haranguing the devs for changes to the weapon. Be careful what you wish for, because dragon eye has proved that what you want is most certainly not what you will get. If you want dart to become an ornament sitting alongside dragon eye, carry on. A subtle change to dart or rabbit would probably appease the protesters and improve the odds but I highly suspect that something more catastrophic will be the result. I would rather keep things as they are than go down that route.

My only counter to this is:

Before Rope Dart, I had a handful of teams that I felt were pretty powerful. After Rope Dart, I have a team that I feel is pretty powerful. So if they demote Rope Dart, I’ll go back to playing GoW like I did before Rope Dart. And I feel like I was happier then, so maybe it’s for the better.

This reminds me of something that came up the last time someone said “people want a nerf because they want the game to be too easy”. IMO, the game is too easy with Rope Dart, and your argument is, “Do you want the game to be harder?” And, well, sometimes I do.

This is the best post in this discussion.

i feel happy now and felt happy before

I don’t think they should get rid of the extra turn, just make other requirements to get the extra turn. For instance:
if there are 13 or more yellow/blue gems, gain an extra turn…

the extra turn is part of the weapon’s upgrades though, not the spell itself. otherwise, i think that’s a good idea.

TPK works really well for me against Rope Dart/Moon Rabbit