Hi everyone and a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all who read this post,with the new update I decided it was worth trying to fill a few of the 11 places we have open.Robin Puds Merry Men is ranked 175 at the minute which is great as we have always been a no rule easy going Guild,were the members play at their own pace but there is a core group of us who play most if not everyday.
So if you fancy joining us outlaws in Sherwood Forest and look good in green tights (that’s you guy’s i’m talking about lol) we know the ladies look good in anything they wear
.Then PSN Sir-Waylander your invite code and i’ll get a arrow coming your way with your invite
and helps us get into the Top 100
Also happy to take in small Guilds the Guild Owner will have the highest rank possible within are Guild.
PSN Sir-Waylander
My husband and I are in a guild by ourselves, and although we are both active players, we just can’t get enough on our own with the new guild system. We’re both more than willing to contribute trophies, seals, and gold to help the cause! (We are both still working on leveling kingdoms, so about half the gold each week would go to that and about half to the guild.) We both log in daily no matter what, but actively play throughout the week as well.
Do you have two spaces still available for us? If so, I will send you both of our invite codes later this evening through PSN. (Just want to be sure you have room left before we vacate our current guild.)
Your both more than welcome to join you should get a good amount of rewards every week from the Guild,so don’t worry level your Kingdoms and just help out where you can.We look forward to having you both as part of the Puds 
The Christmas Eve Guild update we are Guild Level 66 ranked 173 with 24 members,so anyone wanting a easy going play at your own pace Guild then we have 6 places left.
PSN Sir-Waylander your invite code if interested and a MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone
How about a new ps4 player ? 
I am a pretty noobish regarding gems of war but i got plenty of experience in other match 3 games like Marvel puzzle quest, the mtg puzzle quest , puzzle quest 1 and 2 and so on.
Right now im siting at around lvl 35 and focusing on finishing kingdom quests. i am looking for an active guild in order to motivate me to donate because right now im the most active in the random guild i joined.
Im on daily so i hope for now its enough to get an invite.
Well Matt your now part of the Puds for better or worse
The Guilds now at 26 members with 150% gold bonus so things are looking up.So there still 4 spots left open if anyone else fancy’s joining us.
PSN Sir-Waylander if interested
Well had the great fun of having a Guild NOT having a Guild yesterday the Boxing day GoW bug lol,not to worry everything will get sorted out in time.Anyway we still have 4 places left to fill we do have 3 members who have not played in a while but i’ll message them before removing.
So if your looking for a easy going Guild where there’s NO set amount gold/trophies etc asked for each week,then your more than welcome to become a Pud.One rule just enjoy the game and as a Guild we carry on climbing the rankings together.
Happy New Year everyone.
PSN Sir-Waylander if interested
New Year Guild update had a Level 331 and Level 578 joins us yesterday so Martin L418 and I L320 no longer the highest ranked in Guild
.Messaged 3 inactive players asking if they plan to return before removing them,we are Ranked 167 and Guild Level 69 with 28 members.Mana is as follows:-
Red 30
Blue 27
Green 27
Yellow 27
Purple 29
Brown 31
PSN Sir-Waylander if you look good in green :wink:
The Guild is now full thanks for your interest in the Puds.
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