Revert the Task System

Let me be one of the few to say “Good.”

I like the one a days better, especially when compared to being locked out on 2 or 3 of the tasks anyway.

My thing is more the rewards could use some adjusting but I’m sure it’s still way too early for that.

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How is it way to early for reward adjusting? 99.9% of people agree the rewards are trash. 5 gems for 20 matches with a boring team that wouldn’t be viable for PvP? I still have mine at -1/20 because it’s so bad it’s not worth even chipping away at. The devs have been very responsive to other issues, I see no reason why they can’t be on this one.

Better payouts for tasks=less grind. Less grind=less people spending money to lessen the grind.

Because much as we like to think otherwise, we here on the forums are not the overall majority. Plus they have way more data that they need to look at and actually figure out just how it has affected the player base overall. Sure our opinions that we share here is taken into consideration too. But there is far more for them to look at beyond just our opinions to which is why I say it’s still too early for anything to change much as we’d like something else.

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You’re right, we aren’t the majority. But what makes you think the prevailing feelings on here aren’t widespread to the rest of the player base? The task rewards are just as bad for casual players. I look forward to the devs reviewing their data after this. My guess is that a lot of people will trickle out of the game.

It’s been 1 week. Few things on this scale can be accurately judged in this short of a time. I figure they knew what the initial reaction would be for the most part, but what about after several weeks? A month? How are the sales doing too? There’s a lot to take in.

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Not to be too critical but they might want someone in charge of Sales/Marketing?

  1. There was just a big Steam Summer sale, no presence.
  2. Microsoft is actively running their “Ultimate Game Sale” with 250+ titles, including a free to play section. No presence.

Lots of visibility in those offerings…

PS (The Task rewards should be adjusted)

Data. Evidence. Historical precedent. The very nature of video game forums.

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The only thing I can point to one way or the other is I’m seeing Deathknight Armor show up quite a bit.

Indeed, we’ll need some time to review the data. But early trends indicate a positive increase in how people are approaching tasks.

Remember that tasks are very different for low (under 150) level players and higher (over 150) level players. These changes to the task system are most important for people graduating from the linear tasks to the repeating tasks.

There was an ugly discontinuity in the past where new players would suddenly be dumped from an environment where tasks were completed slowly to one where tasks were completed multiple times a day. The new system smooths out that transition, and we’re getting more consistent behavior during that threshold.

When some people did 40+ tasks a day and some did 2 a week, it was really hard to balance the rewards appropriately. Once behavior settles, we’ll have a better idea of what our next adjustment should be.


Deathknight armor is for existing players, if you don’t know about the game your not going to buy it.

Sorry, My comments weren’t really directed at you, even though I hit reply. Sales could be for new players, or existing ones that wanted a boost.

But the most importantly aspect would be VISIBILITY! Getting some new players involved.

I would like to voice my opinion that the new task system is superior to the old one given current rewards and i hope they only adjust the gem rewards to be more profitable to the player at some point but only rewarding gems is good and i like it alot.

I wasn’t taking it that way. My point is the only sales I can see outright is when people are wearing the exclusive armors since those have to be bought with money. And I’ve seen Deathknight quite a bit.

Also a new player could get it. There were 3 console exclusive armors that you could get for a boost. Deathknight matches the price of the Shadow armor now (the best of the 3) but with better stats and arguably better add ons too.

Pretty obvious the opinion of those on the forums is disregarded, sure it was even written clearly above.

The concept that having easy tasks turned people away is farcical. The response to the new system can’t have been good because the average player can’t be playing 40-60 matches a day. Maybe it is more Balanced… as 5% of people could be doing them daily while 95% ignore them!

Personally I don’t see the console version surviving another year. But what does a forum user know

Edit: spending your evening grinding out all those wins with mundane team restrictions will only give enough gems for 1 gem key. Which will give me my 200th berserker or 300th druid. They are literally pointless.


And at the same time members from top guilds can get several hundred glory keys and gems each day.
While people who abused the tasks, just to get a little bit of keys and gems gets nerfed.

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Don’t forget the same update that removed the daily tasks brought the changes to treasure maps. I’m led to believe anyone willing to abuse the maps is gaining more resources than they ever did from tasks…

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getting gems for tasks is good. You can spend those gems on souls and gold.

How much gold or souls do you get for 15 gems? Compare that to skipping the 40+ challenge matches and doing pvp instead. I still think they may as well not be there


One thing I’ve definitely noticed is that contributions to my guild have really slowed down since the update. I’m in a (barely) top 100 guild on PS4, with a lot of casual, but regular players. I probably average about an hour a day and am the most active player. We don’t seem to have any rules or requirements and there’s virtually no communication among us. The guild leader punts anyone inactive over 14 days, but that’s the only criteria.

With the old task system, the frequent ‘contribute 5000 gold to a guild task’ seems to have been encouraging people to make regular contributions. Most days, the guild would complete 2-4 tasks. Since the update (without the structure that the tasks were providing), completion has dropped down to 0-2 per day.

My point is that top guilds with good communication and minimum standards for donation will continue to excel and pump huge amounts of rewards out to members. Casual guilds will fall further behind now that the artificial discipline created by the repeatable tasks is gone.

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I switched from “abusing” Tasks to now “abusing” Maps. I am definitely earning more resources now.

Well the majority of Level 150+ players are “end-game”. These players are typically in decent Guilds and have Dragon/Celestial Armor. Gems are used by these players primarily on Gem/Event chests.

Doing Tasks daily for a month should net 600+ Gems, enough for a 50-pack of Event chests every time a Kingdom is released.