Requests and Suggestions for update 7.3

Yes, I realize that asking the devs to implement any of these could cause fatal errors, but those have happened already so why not tell them what we would really like?

1 - Fix the game refusing to load if resources (gold in particular) exceed 2.1B. There many ways to do this from changing the integer type to setting an error message when players get close to the limit to stop adding gold to the account when 2B is reached to… others I probably haven’t thought of. The main thing is to fix the problem since it’s going to happen more often the long players are in the game.

2 - Implement a timer on the battle screen or close to it for Exalted/Paragon and Gnome-a-Paloozas. The timer on the main map screen is totally useless. It could be deleted and no one would care. Putting the timer on the screen in between battles or on the actual battle screen would help the players see how long they have left. There are players who will switch between kingdoms or PvP and kingdoms when playing and this would help them do that without setting a timer outside the game.

3 - Since the implementation of 7.2, the resources shown on the main screen have changed to gems, gold, and souls. I would like to be able to see the amount of glory I have, much more important to me than souls, on the main screen. There are options for this. Allow the player to select up to 4 (as an example) items to display on the main screen. Add glory back to the list.

I’m sure others can think of things they’d like to see in the game. Maybe the devs will listen, probably they won’t, but if any do read this they can see what’s important to the players.


I want the gold/hr stat back.

I really enjoyed watching that number go up and was coming up on 3,000.


My request:

  1. Fix old bugs.
  2. Don’t add new bugs.

7.3 should add no new content, focus on fixing the enormous pile of bugs currently in the game, tbh.


Improve Treasure Hunt.
Scale up Arena rewards to current-era inflation.
Stop monetizing 99% of the game.


Both of these can be easily achieved in the eyes of development by adding a global banner with the words “Workjng as intended”.
The banner will be placed in a central position and flash up brightly in irregular intervals. For a small monthly fee, it can be moved to a different place, so that the field remains accessable.

Pointing out the typo will result in severe punishments


I love the idea for the time in the battle screen. Just remove the treasure map counter if a gap is running.


My only request for 7.3

Test it.


How about an update that just works and doesnt break everything?


And only release it if there are no bugs.

They need to act on the testing. Just to make it 100% clear for the devs. :wink:


my request for 7.3 use whole update just for fixing game then test it more then once


call the game what it is… an open beta, then call the beta testers alpha testers


They also removed our “Income: Gold / hr” from the map as well and I don’t think this is displayed anywhere else unless I just can’t find it.


Iv a suggestion.

If you want us to spend more and more gems.
Then pay money to buy more and more gems.

How about a inter guild, trading option in the forge.

Rules, both members have to of been in the same guild over 6 months, this stops cheating . And swapping of players between the conglomerate guilds with lots of factions.

Swap mythic for a mythic between guild mates.
And make it cost 2000 gems each.

Just a suggestion.


If it’s not going to show the exact amount of keys then it’s absolutely useless to have a number on it at all.



I’m sure it has been posted before, but unless a member of the guild participates in an event they should not get the rewards from it.

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What if that person was a long term/valued member of the guild who had always previously participated in guild events but was on vacation/holiday/not able to play for that particular week? :thinking:

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Then they don’t get the rewards for that week or maybe the Guild Admin can make exceptions, but if I were in the position that I wasn’t able to participate a week then I would accept that I wouldn’t get the rewards that week (I play several games that have that rule in place).

I try to participate every week and at the top of my guild, but yeah there has been a few weeks when I haven’t been able to and I would be fine without getting any rewards if I was not able to join in a week for the event.

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  1. Will be fixed in 7.3

  2. Request we’re aware of already. I’ll raise it again before the end of the year to see if we can get eyeballs on it - can’t fit into 7.3 - can’t promise anything at this stage, but it’s a reasonable request!

  3. We’re already talking about changes for this - probably not 7.3 though due to time constraints (we were already in the middle of 7.3 development when 7.2 officially released)


Thanks for the update!