[Reported] Updated 2023.06.04 Missing artwork on android

Using an android phone (OnePlus 8 Pro), I only have a few artworks missing.
Eldritch Disciple (both troop & spell artwork are black lines)
The Colossus (both troop & spell artwork are black lines)
Spike (pet)
Court of Foxes artwork that shows on the “Quest” panel (should be Foxfire King, but the troop card is fine)

All the other troops listed in the OP are fine for me.

Here’s a screenshot of my Eldritch Disciple, since nobody else complained about it. Also I don’t have the pitchfork spell art.

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New bounty troop has no art.

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I haven’t seen anyone else with a screenshot of the holiday events in the games menu. Reposting

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What s wrong with Android?

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Yeah no graphics here either (Android) same with the shop… has none at all. :roll_eyes:

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Every troop released in the past month except 1 has had the same missing graphics for me…

The portrait works for this one so at least i have some idea what it looks like


Same here. iOS iPhone and iPad. Are we to never see any new troop art ever again?

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A quick update, not sure if it’s helpful - I still get all the new graphics on my old tablet while I don’t have any on my other devices (same account). No missing graphics (other than Spike).

Not sure if it has to do with the age of the OS, or if something got broken at some point on the affected devices that leads to then not update any new graphics.

But maybe that helps finding a fix for this because it’s getting really ridiculous at this point.


Chromebook mobile (Android).

Had this bug for so long that it’s beginning to seem normal. Not sure what could be broken about my device. Google tells me everything is up to date, unless it’s a game setting bug, as in I have my game set to low quality graphics.

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Its not you or your device. Its not anyone’s device if its happening across so many different devices

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Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone for your screencaptures.

This is a current known issue for the development team and I will update the report with everyone’s issues and screenshots.

Please rest assured that I have raised this issue once more with the development team of which this issue is still undergoing investigation/multiple fixes.

Thank you for your patience. :slight_smile:

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You are wearing my patience thin.
The glory troop is ok right now, but you fucked up the legendary in the spring event.
Last week, the glory troop was bugged but you got the mythic right.
WTF is going on over there?


watch nothing happen until the next update where everything will magically be fixed


With the latest record of this company… I wouldn’t be so sure.


This is getting really annoying, I would have been fired long time ago from my workplace if I gave to my customers this kind of assistance…
Why is so complicated to load few pictures?


It’s so complicated because, for whatever reason, they haven’t employed anyone interested in learning the basics - even after eight years of running the game and making the same type of game for more than two decades. The company culture has always been, still is, and almost certainly will always be “Just wing it” - consequences be damned.


Gems of War is currently on the back burner, the past months resources have gone almost exclusively into the console launch of Puzzle Quest 3. It is currently unclear when (or if) they’ll return to dedicating time to maintaining Gems of War.


I wonder if consoles can compete with these kinda numbers I just pulled from Steam…


By comparison…



It’s probably more about money than users, I somehow doubt they’d throw this much effort at it otherwise:

The problem is, it feels like it bleeds Gems of War dry, because their entire team is busy elsewhere. The only thing that has been happening to our bug reports the past months is that they got “reported”, over and over again. Some reassuring words from the Customer Experience team would be welcome, provided there still is one left.


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