[Reported] Treasure Guardian rooms are not appearing

Yeah, that’s fair. I don’t, and I dint think anyone else does.

But a minimum number should be there if they want us to go looking for them (and potentially spend gems in that).

I’m not going to invest anything for possibly 0 returns.

I might if we had, say, 10 minimum.


10-15 Treasure Guardians a week made sense. They showed up, but not in every dead end.

0/14 dead ends by Area 3 makes no sense unless they want people to pretend the feature doesn’t exist.

Thank you for making the topic.


FWIW the underspire did not reset a second time (third map would have been generated) for me last week. Searching the after the initial reset (second map generated,) there were 15 guardian battles (3,3,3,2,3,1 by section). No troop drops. 142 rooms cleared.
From reading the forums and talking within the guild, it appears the second map was target rich and the third significantly less so.

maybe last week was a bug and this week we got the actual very fair odds of 0,00001% chance to encounter a guardian room at a dead end with a 0,000000000000001% chance to get a collectible troop out of it.

seems like something gow devs would do, no?

actually funny how many people quite literally “buy” into whatever new nonsens devs come up with next. :wink:


Same here, 45 rooms in, just cleared the 2nd boss and no guardian rooms despite unveiling all of the dead end rooms.
Think i’ll park this until the developers let us know what’s going on as i can’t see that it’s meant to play like this as at these odds it isn’t worth spending my time playing

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you guys for the screencaptures.

I’ve reported this issue to the development team.

In the meantime:

  • Please provide your Invite Codes if you are experiencing this problem (with a screencapture)
  • Please let me know what other platforms this issue is occurring in
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Invite Code: KOLOB (PC - Windows 11 - Steam)
6 dead ends so far - no guardian sentinel room (None last week either)


Invite Code: KENDALL_DFQY (Mobile - Android)
4 dead ends so far - no guardian sentinel room


Invite code BASHER_4
Playing on Android phone

Hello :slight_smile:

Please provide this video in this thread as it will help the dev investigation a lot!

You mean the video from Tacet that was mentioned? He’s a YouTube streamer for GoW

Hello :slight_smile:

Yes, if someone is able to take a small clip of their Underspire run + map that would be amazing.

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Invite Code:

Xbox Series X

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I have no torches left, if nobody posts a video then I’ll try to post one tomorrow


can probably just show your entire map + dead ends not being a guardian. dont need to actually play anything

Starting at 1:03:20

It sounds like I experienced the same issue last week as well. I finished my Underspire very late in the week, and only found one TG out of the entire map.

Invite code: Voqualin_rnl9

Haven’t had a chance to start this week yet.

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I’m in the same boat. Just started but 3 dead ends and no treasyre guardians. Now i feel like i picked a bad week to try this out.

I’m on Xbox Series S. 12 dead ends, 2 bosses and no Guardian Rooms.

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Playstation platform.

Nemesis guild

iOS ipad
65 rooms cleared. No guardian rooms.