[Reported] Treasure Guardian rooms are not appearing

Does the investigation include asking the programmers if they messed with the drop rate of guardians between last week and now?

Your company has a long history of adjusting drop rates soon after an update being released with little to no word being sent out about said adjustments. Including the support staff being in the dark until the programmers are spoken with.


Hope this helps @Bramble

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Found 4 more dead ends today, and actually 2 of them had a guardian room. So, the logic is not broken, but drop rates might have been reduced since last week. If so, then they might have been reduced too much. Can you confirm @Bramble ?

Invite code: chubbybunny_x2es

well they existā€¦ just not at a good rate

3 dragons, no sentinels.


Last week, the sentinels encouraged me to spend gems. Before this, I donā€™t spend on Underspire as itā€™s not worth it to me. Now, I spent gems every day and got zeroā€¦


@Bramble @Jeto @Kafka

If you could please advise the intended drop rates for guardian troop battles. (I assume the troops themselves are depressingly low in terms of rewards so Iā€™ll leave that a lone for now.)

Disclosing the rate would save your team and your real beta testers (players on the live server) a tremendous amount of time and energy.

Thank you in advance.


Iv had 4 guardian rooms.
3 common 1 epic

In about 40 odd sigils, Iā€™m on my 3rd dragon.

No issues here.

Just hoard mimic RNG.

Remember guys, this game is a marathon, not a sprint.
Realisticly, it should take over a year to get all the guardians.

Everyone wants everything to quick nowadays, the YouTube short, tiktok generation.

No abusive replys needed. Facts are facts.

It works perfectly for you therefore everything is fine. Doesnā€™t matter if many others are having problems.

Congrats. Enjoy your marathon.


Read the topic better Kabal, itā€™s not about the speed of collecting the sentinels. Itā€™s about last weekā€™s drop rates being completely different than this weekā€™s.
I am perfectly fine with tweaking down drop rates, but with all the issues going on this felt like another bug instead of tweaking drop rates


Yes and last monthā€™s gnomes rates, different than every month during vault events.

Sorry but RNG

I will enjoy the marathon tbh.

And a bug effects everyone.
So Iā€™m just saying Iā€™m not effected.

So less likely a bug, I donā€™t think machine code is different for different people.

Same for everyone, we all get same updates.

So not a bug.
Just common sense.

This whole thread just reminds me of the epic trials thread.

Epic trials made for high level players, but low level players want it all straight away.

So there made easier. Just saying.

Patience is a virtue.
Take a breath, enjoy new content, take your time collecting the guardians .

Thankyou Devs, great addition to underspire.

We donā€™t all want every troop after 5 seconds.
Make it take aslong as possible, makes the game last longer.

This thread has nothing to do with not getting the troop cards. Itā€™s about not even getting the opportunity to try to get the troop cards because people are not encountering the battles like they did last week. I havenā€™t had any Treasure Guardian battles this week either and Iā€™m at 59 rooms cleared.


Right. And a lot of us that spent 0 or minimally on underspire are spending more to get the sentinels this week and getting absolutely nowhere with it.


85 Rooms
6 Dragons
0 Guardian


Invite Code:


Rooms Cleared 80:
16 Dead Ends, 3 Bosses, 2 Merchants, 0 Treasure Guardians

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I have two accounts. The first one - I play mainly on Android, the second one - on Steam. I bought 10 additional torches from Monday to Wednesday, spending 450 diamonds.
I started playing on my first account. In 25 battles - not a single Guardian Room. I switched to playing on a second account. Cleared 59 rooms, got only 2 Guardian Rooms (last week there were about 70 rooms and 7 Guardian rooms). I thought that the problem was in Android. I started playing with my first account on Steam. Result: 59 rooms cleared, 3 bosses, 0 Guardian Rooms (screen)
My conclusions
1.The drop rate of the Guardian Room was deliberately reduced by the developers (output for account 2)
2.When uploading the map on Monday, a massive error occurred. And if the Guardianā€™s Rooms are not flooded, she will not be there until the end of the week. That is, in some accounts the Guardian Rooms are uploaded (albeit with a much lower probability), in others they are not uploaded at all
3. Iā€™ve been playing for almost 4 years. In the last 2 years I canā€™t remember a single update that was without errors
4. I think it would be fair if 450 diamonds or 15 additional torches were returned to my accounts next week
Invites Alex69_KERN and BIR163_93NC


That is not true. A bug can always only affect some players and still be a bug.


Chest? No, didnā€™t see them in the game this week

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