[Reported] Treasure Guardian rooms are not appearing

Platform, device version and operating system: Android on phone

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
last week I found a treasure guardian room in about 50% of the dead ends in Underspire. This week, I have found 10 dead ends but not a single guardian room. Even with extreme bad luck, I would have still expected about 2 discoveries.
Reading the forum and hearing from guild mates, some have similar experience, but others still get the same drop rates as previous weeks. So this issue seems to be intermittent.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This week after reset

Steps to make it happen again
Play Underspire using Android, and compare with playing Underspire with another OS/device


Two boss rooms, 12 dead ends. 0 Guardian rooms. This is on Xbox.


7 Dead ends found thusfar, not a single Guardian one!


only 1 guardian room for me after this. Its the highlighted room.


Possible explanation could be that the drop rates have been reduced by the devs for whatever reason. Then a bad luck streak is more likely to happen

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60 rooms so far and nothing.

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iOS iPad
65 rooms 3 Bosses. NO Guardian rooms !
Wasted plenty of torches and lanterns looking for non existent rooms to try for the guardian cards :frowning:

This is super frustrating

How in the heck are we ever going to collect the 6 different guardian cards at this rate.

I am reliving my 6 month dragons nightmare :scream::scream:

I cleared EVERY room last week and although there were a number of Guardian rooms I found ZERO Guardian cards.


Just one for me so far this week with a revealed 2nd area. Less than last week, but it’s only the 2nd week of them so I don’t know what normal is yet.

This is happening on iOS also, I did find a Sentinal troop in one of the dead end rooms, however, there was no Guardian chest, just the same lame loot haul as the other rooms.

@Tacet found 0 guardian treasures in 123 rooms cleared last week. He has it on video for proof.

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Second dragon, zero guardians. Highlighted room is first boss.

Same here, bugged as intended.


Bait and switch?
Introduce new feature, make it seem worth exploring beyond the reach of the 7/6 rule, then reduce the odds of Sentinels appearing and see how the peasants spend gems hunting them regardless.

Or… rng. Who knows?


With the current estimated Sentinel drop rate at around 2.5%, this is gonna make getting them even harder if intentional :frowning:

42 rooms, 8 dead ends, 0 guardian rooms

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I’m more inclined to think bug instead of feature. Maybe the maze generator has some counter for placing guardian battles in each section, one that somehow fails to get cleared on weekly reset? That might explain why everybody at first sees a lot of guardian battles, then next to none the weeks after.


I agree, this feels more like a bug than works as designed

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honestly its probably placing treasure guardians in orphaned rooms for some reason, but yea, if the treasure guardian isnt at least around 50% to appear per dead end then they may as well not exist. I had 0 in the first 3 areas last week, and only 4 total having explored about 90% of my underspire. Very disappointing considering the 2nd underspire of last week had 3 treasure guardians in area 1 for me.

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I submitted a ticket late last week after my Underspires reset for a second time on my two accounts and I started seeing only dead ends and no sentinels. (Prior to reset I had 6 and 8 visible that I planned to circle back and complete later)

After completing the Underspires last week, I went searching for Sentinel rooms (Not worth the gems) and did manage to find 2 out of 34+ dead ends.

It was confirmed in the response to the ticket that this is not a bug and we shouldn’t expect a sentinel in every dead end.

0/10 sentinels v dead ends this week Not a large sample, but still consistent with my experience of these rooms being far to rare to be enjoyable content.

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This is interesting. Was the room marked as a treasure room or just a plain dead end? Did you fight the troop in the battle?