[Investigating] Treasure Guardian reward chest not given

Platform, device version and operating system:

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I beat a Legendary treasure Guardian room and was expected to be given a chest to open as a reward.
What actually happened…I did not receive the reward chest. Possible indicator could be the missing blue icon behind the skull in the upper left Treasure room.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This happened once out of the 8-10 Treasure rooms this week.

Steps to make it happen again

Sorry if this has already been reported there’s too many bug reports to go through lol

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Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencapture.

Please let me know if you completed the battle yesterday?
(When did this issue occur?)

Please also provide your Invite Code for more investigation. @Joyous

I did win the battle. This occurred yesterday. Invite code is :!:j0y 20:!:

I had the same issue today. Won the battles, but no chest was given. I’m also on iOS. Invite code ILYRIA_1.