What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Initial situation:
Hero, Draxxius, Shahbanu Vespera, Zuul Goth’
Affliction: 2 terror marks, on Draxxius and Vespera. Both triggered simultaneously, it seems.
Expected outcomes, depending of order terror marks actually works:
Vespera affected, goes down one slot. Draxxius affected, goes down one slot. Result: Hero, Zuul, Draxxius, Vespera.
Draxxius affected, goes under Vespera. Vespera affected, goes under Draxxius. Result: Nothing changed.
Real outcome - on the screenshot above. It seems, Vespera went under Zuul and immediately left, and Draxxius jumped under Zuul too, instead swapping with it, but doesn’t left.
Cannot compute!
Wait, if Terror works not way it described, it may be result of 1. Vespera simply fled, without any reasons, and 2. Draxxius, instead going one slot down, went under Zuul, which was pushed up. Still totally wrong, but at least computable.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I see that the first time.
Steps to make it happen again
Trigger two terrors at the same time, obviously.
Another issue with Terror is that Gnomes / Valravens who flee from Terror don’t drop their loot.
This was anticipated when Terror was introduced, but introduced the player-beneficial bug of gnomes dropping their loot when fleeing normally. This got fixed, but brought the issue of Terrified gnomes not dropping their loot.
There is also a known visual issue where a Troop’s card remains in your lineup despite the Troop itself fleeing from battle – resulting in a slot that appears filled, but doesn’t respond to inputs because it is (for gameplay purposes) actually empty.
This feels completely intentional, because it guarantees a troop shuffle will occur whenever Terror activates. It’s also consistent with spells that target the 2nd or 3rd Troop (usually as part of “first/last two” targeting), in that they do not have to be occupying an adjacent slot.
This being said, the way shuffles are implemented (and not just for Terror) DOES have occasional awkwardness. For example, if you knock an enemy from 1st to last position, depending on the enemy team you may get:
[ 1 2 3 _ ] → [ _ 2 3 1 ] (troop shuffled to empty slot)
[ 1 2 _ 4 ] → [ 2 _ 4 1 ] (troop shuffled to non-empty slot, entire team shifted upwards as-is)
but never:
[ 1 2 _ 4 ] → [ _ 2 4 1 ] (same, but slot 2 is unaffected because troop 4 could be shifted into an empty slot)
Well, I wouldn’t argue, if description talked about troops, not slots. As with spells, which never (now) target “first slot”, or “last slot”, but first or last troop.
And yes, it’s in the same vein, mechanically, as spells which call troop at the first/last position - and shifts all queue, regardless of holes in it.
Still, even if such mechanic is right as for now, it’s described wrong, and doesn’t work the way it described.