Terror is an official status effect

I used Magnus in the World Event and he procced Terror on The Silken Queen. (Notice the Purple Skull on her picture. My best bet is that EoE and Trick & Treat can now inflict Terror as well.


Two of my troops got hit in PVP with Terror too. One of them ran away after one turn.


Can confirm that EOE does. I was surprised to get the top troop locked down, and see it move down and pushed a healthy troop to the top! At least when the toad transform hits its half level :joy:


One of my guild members lost a battle in PvP after causing Terror on the opponent’s Hero (which then became the last troop left.) It ran away and caused a CLIFFY error/force restart game.

Could have been a one-off error for various random reasons but I have a bad feeling about this new status effect :fearful:


Remember that time when Lycanthropy crashed the game after triggering on hero? I wouldn’t be surprised that the devs have learned nothing useful from that experience.


This has been a minor debuff to EoE and Trick or Treat as a defensive weapon. While there was always the chance of Death Mark kicking in, now either that or Terror can kick in when you cast it on the lead enemy, possibly leaving you vulnerable to skull matches.

On the other hand, Essence of Evil is now more effective on the last troop. It’s like a double death mark!


death mark, terror or lycan :wink:

Yes and no, unfortunately it seems terror “run away” doesn’t count as a kill. (as observed via diminished xp/soul rewards in battles where I’ve had an enemy flee from Terror).

… So we may have to be careful using EoE to lock down valravens and gnomes if they spawn at the bottom … or they may run away with no sigil/loot drop just as if they’d cast . Anyone encounter this situation yet?

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I had a Glory Gnome run away in terror. No soul as for a kill. Still received 1000 glory from that Gnome, though. So that was nice.