Platform, device version and operating system:
Nintendo Switch 16.0.3, GOW 6.9.5
Screenshot or image:
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Stone Zombie is supposed to convert 4 stone blocks into gargoyles, and then explode a gem. Hence, when I use it in Sea King’s Lair, which has exactly 4 stone blocks, I should expect every stone block in the exploded area to give a gargoyle effect.
However, in practice, it sometimes gives the gargoyle effect and sometimes doesn’t.
In the above screenshot, the two stone blocks are visually exploded without turning into gargoyles, and no gargoyles have been applied.
In the above screenshot, two stone blocks have been exploded. The right side block is just beginning to turn into a gargoyle when being exploded; it gives no gargoyle effect. The left side block applies an evil gargoyle effect.
(I have recorded movies and can clearly see that the gargoyles are not being applied. There are clear visual differences between this and bad status being prevented by enemies’ immunity; the latter is not the case.)
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This happens inconsistently; about half the time?
Steps to make it happen again
Use Stone Zombie’s spell to explode stone blocks while leaving fewer than 4 stone blocks, preferably in Sea King’s Lair.
This bug significantly hurts the glory troop’s utility; it urgently needs to be fixed.