Platform, device version and operating system:
Windows 10 x64
Screenshot or image:
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When I am pressing Skip after won battle to skip the loot animation (always, actually), one time per ten resulting screen isn’t scrolling at all. It usually harmless, but sometimes (in gnome encounters, in Tower event, in level ups) it’s quite annoying.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I noticed it when Gnome-a-Palooza was introduced (before, I rarely had the reason to check the spoils). Since then it never stopped to occur. One time per ten in average, more or less.
Steps to make it happen again
- Press “Skip” after battle as soon as button available.
- In 1/10 cases see only the tail of the list, without ability to scroll it.