[Reported] Exploded Potion gems left onscreen and disabling casting

Hello, :slight_smile:

If you have encountered this bug recently, please list your troops used, and the enemy troops you’ve faced.

The development team would like to investigate multiple traits/spells that may trigger this issue.

Exactly what the title says.

I’m unable to cast during the monolith mode of the game when I’m ready to cast.

Why i cant? Don’t know but it happens now in 8.0 with at least using the new immortal troops.


Again here is another area,

My OS is android 14
Samsung S6 tablet

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This is the image from the first two that got missed

This is this known bug: [Reported] Exploded Potion gems left onscreen and disabling casting


Because you have potions bug, some of those are frozen on the screen and require you to make a board move instead of cast.

Есть проблема с молниями. автор темы упоминал об этом. Вчера столкнулся в пвп 4 раза: поле зависает- шары не долетают,двигать ничего нельзя,карты не активны.

Ошибка происходила в пвп. Карт, создающих молнии,не было. Молнии падали в регионе.
Поле никак не реагирует. При нажатии кнопки Отступить - поле начинает двигаться.


Still happening. In my screenshot, I can only match gems, no other action seems possible (PlayStation).

Fix for this was released in todays update - if you are still experiencing this issue with potion gems, please check you have updated before adding any further comments