[Reported] Exploded Potion gems left onscreen and disabling casting

I mean i can blame them when they know they are bugged and they keep voting for them lol

How would they know they are bugged?

1.) Almost everybody avoids the forum, because attempting to communicate with the devs is roughly as successful as talking with a tree stump.
2.) The known issues list where one should be able to look this up barely gets maintained, it doesn’t mention potions at all.
3.) There isn’t any kind of in-game announcement to make players aware it’s broken (like many other things) and unlikely to ever get fixed any time soon.

So, yes, removing potions from voting would technically be a viable workaround. Except that this game has become so much focused exclusively on walletization that we probably won’t even be getting that.


Its a very obvious bug when it happens? If you play any amount of zones with potions you are going to at some point go “why can’t i cast?” And should notice the very obvious enlarged potion

Yet people still vote for it

You can avoid the issue by not using troops with traits that alter the board at start of turn, like Takshaka with its wildcard.

I know you shouldn’t have to, but for now, if you really want to play a region that has mana potions dropping, avoiding using troops with those traits will prevent the problem.

They have been bugged on/off and not constant. Mana potions bug has been “fixed” a couple of times, so of course people expect it to be okay to vote for them.

That the “fixes” apparently havn’t been working is not the players fault.
The devs should have removed the mana potion option until they succeed fixing the issue so it doesn’t keep appearing

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Still an issue (7/25/2024)

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Just lost a match because of potions getting stuck and being forced to take a turn when I should’ve been able to cast my troops. Either fix this BS crap or remove them entirely. All they do is prolong matches and waste time.

The mana potion freeze is annoying, I must admit. However, I’ve resolved it each and every time by simply making an additional gem move to free up the board.

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Sure, making a move unwedges the game.

But I’m with JohnWick here, it is pretty annoying when the bug forces you to make a move that loses you your turn; especially when you have a spell ready to go that would get an extra turn – or that would finish off the enemy team.

And it’s frustrating that potion gems get voted in every time they come up, exposing us all to this bug for yet another week. If it can’t be fixed until the next update: could potion gems not be offered to vote any more?

Or could the drop rate of potion gems be reduced? This would both reduce (although not eliminate) the occurrence of this bug, and would also mitigate the “spending all my game time watching potions cascade” problem.

it’s a bug, but i’m not sure it does much harm. although two stuck gems look funny

you can make a turn anyway, although the cast could be more useful

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In blood frenzy a wasted move to unstick the game can lose the match


Has anybody else noticed this week, that Mana Potion bug has been on/off? At least 1 day this week it worked completely - I know for sure since I played PvP that day a lot. Problem is I dont remember which day it was, but it made me wonder if 1 or some areas are free/safe from this bug because:
It is certain weekday(s)
When frenzy is active
Certain troops/type/Kingdom isn’t affected
Combination of above

I dont think it is fair to blame the players for selection mana Potion - it is not our responsibility that the game works! Even though it does feel like that sometimes :disappointed:
And since this bug has been “fixed” unsuccessful a few times now, lets see if we the community can see a pattern in this bug.
We will have to look at it when/if it accurs again

It looks like theyve removed them, i cant see them as option in the vote at least. So if your reading this Devs , thanks it only took you three months :wink:


It has never been fixed. If you’re finding it’s not happening, it’s probably because you’re not using a troop that can trigger the problem.

To repeat myself once again, because it seems several people have missed it, the problem only happens if the potion is activated before the player makes their move, by a troop with a trait that alters the board at the start of the turn, like Takshaka’s wildcard creation.

If you aren’t using a troop with one of these “alter board at start of turn” traits, then this potion issue will never happen. The problem doesn’t come and go, there is a specific trigger.

It has been on/off. I havn’t changed teams this week, I am not saying you are wrong, but I would in that case have been lucky in several battles with mana potions on the same day since I have used the same teams on the other days - I usually play in the Kingdoms where there are Silver Marks so be earned so I switch Kingdom often.

Problem “fixet” for now :sweat_smile:
You are right, there are no mana potion option for next week :+1:


It’s not on/off. It happens 100% if a potion is triggered by a start of turn trait, and never otherwise.

The luck element is that the start of turn trait may or may not trigger a potion, depending on the random placement of the created gem making a match or not. It’s usually a small chance it’ll trigger a potion, but it happens given enough turns.

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Just coincidence. They’re still available for voting on Xbox, and winning the vote too :smile:

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Again I am not saying you are wrong. And of course you are right if I am the only one that had this experience. But then I did have insane luck that day, since no bug triggered at all in any mana potion battles - that day. I just wondered because the very next day - after daily reset, the bug appeared again in almost every battle

I initially reported this problem. I did a lot of testing to zero in on exactly what causes the issue.

To someone who doesn’t understand it, it appears random, but there is a very specific non-random cause.

We’d all like this issue to be resolved, and giving the devs clear information is the best way to do it, rather than distracting them with vague information, or actual misinformation.

I 100% guarantee every time you’ve had this issue, one of your troops has had a “start of turn” trait that can trigger potions. First time for me was King Stormgard’s lightning gems. Probably the easiest way to trigger it now would be multiple Emberclaws putting elemental stars on the board at start of turn.