[Reported] Exploded Potion gems left onscreen and disabling casting

Also having this happen on Android mobile. Kind of kills the battle when you cant cast a troop and have to take a gem match instead.

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Here is evidence of the bug on switch.
Not being able to cast anything during my turn is super annoying.


Hello :slight_smile:

Just a heads up that your video doesn’t seem to be working.

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the evidence!

I’ve added this into the report and bumped it for the development team to look at.

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It’s annoying that this bug exists – and sometimes swings battles in the enemies favor, if you end up having to make a poor 3-match to un-stick the game rather than make the cast that is ready that this bug is blocking.

It’s also annoying that mana potion gems keep on getting voted up into the PvP weekly restrictions even though they’re bugged: that just means we bump up against this bug more often.

Could mana potion gems be excluded from the restrictions voting until this bug is fixed?


Potions exploded at the start of the players turn with explode traits are still not resolving causing the the game to freeze. Sigh…:neutral_face: This on Amazon / Mobile.


Still happening


Platform, device version and operating system: Mobile - Android

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Expecting to cast a spell after the AI turn, but gets locked because the mana potions get stuck, and often results in a lost turn.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Almost every match whete mana potions are active.

Steps to make it happen again
Just play any PvP area with mana potions active and you’ll run into it.


This happened to me SO MANY TIMES this morning.


I’ve submitted a report for this on Switch. Still annoying.


This happened to me this morning on PC/steam. I had two troops full mana (not silenced) but could not cast. Had the same stuck potions, issue.


Yup. When it happens you have to use a turn to unstick it. You cant cast full troops


2 months and still unresolved…are you guys trying to figure a way to monetise this fix hmmmmm welllll.

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The error still appears

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So what i see happening is when a potion is created by the PLAYER (this doesnt effect the ai. How kind of the rigged game) and it does not create a match it gets stuck and you cant cast until you use a turn

Devs: how about you nix this horrible immortals update nobody wants and fix the game.

And players: heres an easy fix. STOP VOTING FOR POTIONS!!! Even not bugged it makes battles longer and helps the ai as much as you. Especially on blood frenzys where they get takshakas


People arent very bright.

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Confirm, happens again and again (mostly in PVP) also on Steam/Mobile and is very annoying


Mobile IOS.
I had to take the skulls

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No reason to blame the players!
The devs however…

Devs please remove the mana potions till you work the code out please or failing that give us the ability to negatively vote against a gem type or troop type at the end of the week… I thank you

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