[Reported] Game freezes mid battle. Overload?

PS4 Pro



What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Game freezes mid battle. Console too (needs to be restarted with the on/off button). In battles where there’s a lot going on.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Yesterday and today. Once in the world event and once in pvp.

Steps to make it happen again
I hope not. I lost a sigil and a verse.

I’ve had 2 hard crashes on ps4 this week, also using a 2x pharoah team. It completely locked my console in the error screen and i had to restart the device.

After the second one, i started playing more slowly, waiting for all animations to resolve every turn before pressing any buttons. No more crashes since, but it might be a coincidence.

Edit: both crashes happened during the holiday event, so it was something like 2 in 20 battles with the offending team.

Could you both share the following:

  • your invite code
  • your team structure
  • if this occurs in one game mode specifically, or in all/various game modes?

This seems to be the potions bug that has been around for several updates now.

Ah I had totally missed the first screenshot had a potion present - I will still follow up once I have the above information I requested, just in case.


Invite code VORLON
As mentioned, once in World Event (Axe of Leeching, 2x Morthani’s Darkness, The Ghost Queen, probably necromancer) and once in pvp (screenshot from a friend’s account I think).

Your invite code should also include an underscore with four letters after it. For instance, my invite code is: AVERETT_TTZU. You can find your invite code on the settings page in the game.

Not necessarily. If you have a super old account, similar to the one my brother owns it ends with _2 (probably as someone prior to him chose the same name).

I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info.

@covertmuffin123 has this happened since and were there Potion Gems? Same question @Vorlon, did you explode Potion Gems in these battles

As mentioned, this is a known issue with a fix on the way: https://gemsofwar.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/10336697119759-Exploding-Mana-Potion-Gems-sometimes-cause-game-freeze

In the PVP crash, there were mana potions (visible in the screenshot), but I highly doubt there were in the world event crash. No problem since they.

What was the date for the World Event battle? So I can find it quickly in your battle logs

And do you remember your opponents for the World Event battle that you had this issue?

August 23rd, around 14h UTC +2.

Hi Jeto,

I haven’t run a team with that troop since, and haven’t had any crashes.

I don’t think there were any potion gems on the board because it was in the holiday event, not one of the pvp regions where they fall as a special gem. It’s possible that some troop in one of the enemy teams generated potions, but i don’t remember seeing any.

This could be the potion gem bug, but there have also been issues with start of turn effects in the past, so i assumed the new mythic’s third trait was the culprit.

In any case, thanks for looking into it!

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Will the fix also cover this issue? :point_down:

:crossed_fingers: :vulcan_salute:

You mean Pharaoh Khafru, right? That’s also known to cause the game to lock up, see here:

It’s being “investigated”, which means if the community can’t provide full video footage clearly demonstrating the issue, possibly in several situations, it won’t even get forwarded to the developers.

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