[Need more info] Khafru last trait causing board freeze and troops unable to cast spell

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
khafru’s last trait sometimes will make the board freeze (gems can’t be selected) and cast button remain gray even with mana full.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
not quite often, but it can happen at any time, opponents don’t matter.

Steps to make it happen again
i’m using essencia, stellarix, khafru x2. no idea how it happened, to replicate, play the game alot.

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Did his double explode trait trigger a mana potion gem? If so, it’s a known issue.

this is e12, no mana potion gems.

My first guess would be hourglass gems have a similar issue to mana gems when triggered at the start of the player’s turn.

Maybe Khafru exploded one of Daughter of Time’s hourglass gems, earning an extra turn. Maybe earning an extra turn before you’ve even made your move blows the game’s mind?

Mana gems don’t process correctly if triggered before the player’s turn. Possibly other power gems screw up too.

It does freeze the game even when there is no heroic gem on the board

I finished multiple runs in delves this weekend using 2x pharaohs, no freezes were found

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to be clear, i even got this bug on my first turn once.
i don’t think it has anything to do with heroic gems.

Hello :slight_smile:

Please provide recorded video footage of this issue.

Please also provide your Invite Code

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Nexus troops did not have that problem when they debuted. If their traits cause a match of 4- or more Gems at the start of your turn nothing unusual happens, other than an erroneous “Extra Turn” notification popping up after you make a match (even one that does not grant an Extra Turn).

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I’ve run into this twice in explore 12 now. The only common thread I have found is that I possibly clicked to select a gem before all the animations from the cascades were finished. There were no notable heroic gems or any other interactions I could see outside of the team used (so uber doomskulls and cursed gems). The game locks in a state where you cannot click to select any gems, cannot click/drag any gems, cannot cast spells (though the last time I didn’t have full mana on anyone). Attempting to go into “Auto Play Mode” once brings up the prompt but does not enter auto play state. Attempting a second time no longer brings up the prompt.

You are able to access chat, game speed options, settings and retreat as normal.

My Invite code is MITHRAN. I was not able to capture the moments before this occurred, only after the fact.


I love Khafru. Haven’t lost one match against it and these teams have 90 vp. :rofl::rofl:

Hello :slight_smile:

Just updating this thread briefly.

Currently I still haven’t been able to reproduce this issue.

If someone is able to please confirm if this issue is still ongoing?

  • Please also confirm what troops are in your team
  • Please confirm what enemy troops you are facing
  • Please provide a full video of showing the triggering of the Khafru 3rd trait causing the board to softlock. (Before and after)

In the video, we aim to narrow down any other possibilities that it could be other troops/team interactions or as previously mentioned, could be a heroic gem.