[Reported] Event button opens Class Trial nested within a Pet Rescue, then causes reset (after pet rescue ends)

Platform, device version and operating system:

Screenshot or image:
GoW bug

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
The event button that should go to the Class Trial screen goes to the active pet first. Then ‘B’ to leave class trial goes back to active pet again. Even worse, when the pet rescue ended, clicking that same button caused “this event has ended” and forced a restart.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
These buttons were introduced in a recent update (7.2?) and have had strange behavior for me since their release.

Steps to make it happen again
Note in my gif I go through the steps twice so that you can see it reproduced, though, it may not happen again on the next pet rescue, that part has been inconsistent.

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Does this only happen when there’s a pet rescue active?

yeah, I’m assuming it’s being caused by the number of events going on rn. It has 3 buttons labeled “event” already before the pet rescue.