Recovery mobile

Hello community ! He wanted me to help with a problem …
5 days ago there was a problem updating creating a loop in the game that would not let me enter . On this issue they give up the game and I returned to install, but do not keep the data of my departure … Leaving me in Level 1 .
Is there any way to recover my account? And send me mail and published in play store , just send me back to the support page …
How can I do? I just need the code to activate my account on my device or send me an upgrade to my game data . If anyone happened and could fix grateful if you could tell me as they did . Thanks in advance

go to support and create a ticket.
click on submit a request way up at the top :slight_smile:

Ya mande solicitud, hace 4 días… No me dan repuesta, me dicen que espere 24 a 36 horas… Mande muchos mails contando detalladamente como era mi usuario

And send as 4 requests … I say wait 24 to 36 hours … 4 days ago I’m waiting … send mails too! With descriptions of my own … I just want to get the account code ! Or send me an update with my level back

the developers are in australia, their timezone and weekends may be different. i just got a response from something this weekend. give them time to go through all the requests.

did they ask for additional information? normally they need the user name (mine is kzintiwife_1 - not just kzintiwife), your approximate level, your email address (if you had registered your char) and your guild name.

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los desarrolladores están en Australia, su zona horaria y los fines de semana pueden ser diferentes. Acabo de recibir una respuesta de algo este fin de semana. darles tiempo para pasar por todas las solicitudes.

Qué pidieron para obtener información adicional? normalmente necesitan el nombre de usuario (el mío es kzintiwife_1 - no sólo kzintiwife), su nivel aproximado, su dirección de correo electrónico (si se hubiera registrado su char) y el nombre de la alianza.

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Esto es de mi correo electrónico de los desarrolladores

Por el momento, con el lanzamiento de 2.0.1, estamos experimentando un alto volumen de solicitudes, por lo que las respuestas pueden tardar un poco más de lo habitual.

I put the same bro! I guess I’ll have to wait no ? I will pass all my data . To you ever happened ? I insist so much because I really love this game … will have a number to call in Spanish ?


Usually, we will try to get back to you within 24-36 hours (though it may take a little longer on weekends). At the moment, with the release of 2.0.1, we’re experiencing a very high volume of requests, so responses may take a little longer than usual.

Also our responses may be sent to the junk mail folder for your email address, so make sure to check there just in case.

I have no problem waiting , but I can assure you that I will recover my
account? because I have been waiting for almost 5 days . I just want to
produce sufficiently that! and wait patiently …

I’ve asked the support guys to put a priority on your ticket, so you should hear from them shortly.

Thank you very much! I recently solved the problem ! Really, thank you very
much for your help!