Realm of the Undead Recruiting! {CLOSED, WRONG THREAD, DERP}

Ok i Will work and contribuer the more i can
Thanks again !!

One spot open! Great Guild!

Rank 48 now!
One spot open

Like the Jeffersons (google it if you don’t know) we are ‘moving on up’ come along for the ride! One spot open in a fun guild who has helpful and knowledgeable members.

We are looking for some dedicated, fun players to join us in our adventure! We have a few spots due to stragglers in requirements.

If you are leveling kingdoms, your reqs are reduced—but for everyone else:

450,000 - 500,000k gold
225-250 trophies
Full GW participation (winning encouraged, not required :heart:)
All GW sentinels at rank II or higher
1,500 seals

Range given to encourage players to do their best. Some weeks better than others—kick butt, we’ll make it fun. LINE app chat active with members from many time zones.

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