Raid Boss Headstart Pack Score Seems Incorrect

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When buying the Headstart Pack and using the troop Kit the Sly that has been ascended to Mythic in battles, I was expecting to get the same amount of Damage Dealt score as players that did not buy the Headstart Pack.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Current Vulpacea Raid Boss Event.

Steps to make it happen again
Buy the Headstart pack, ascend the troop Kit the Sly to Mythic and use in battles and you will notice (as per my attachment) that the Damage Dealt Score is 200 less then other players that are at the same Boss Level. I was only able to check this once I had a Guild member at the same Boss Level to compare to.

Can you please confirm if this is correct or if I am missing something here? because this doesn’t seem correct to me.

No battles have been lost and all members have been using the Kit the Sly Troop that has been ascended to Mythic.

Just an observation. Cthar seems to have slightly less life/armor than Zuul, scoring still appears to be based on Zuul numbers. Maybe the headstart offer was calculated using Cthar numbers?