PVP Changes

I know you’ve been waiting a long time for this and I will follow up, but priority order will be things that affect core gameplay closest > things that affect core gameplay least (generally speaking, there’s lots of reasons for exceptions to this and other factors to consider).

I don’t personally have the stats about engagement rates with the PVP rework, but anything affecting that engagement rate, as you’ve suggested, as general but critical feedback about a core game mode is going to generally take priority over very specific endgame collection feedback.

I absolutely hear what you’re saying re: the dragons and needing to be able to target them. I’ve seen all the screenshots posted where people have heaps of duplicates of all of them except 1. But full transparency there’s little chance that is going to take priority if it means a programmer has to be pulled off working on a core game mode that has major pain points for every player in the game.

I know everyone is irritated about the targetting Dragons feature not coming sooner after we said we had plans, but I think we should all probably be upset and question priorities if that was prioritised over the PVP feedback, because the game should be enjoyable in the meantime while waiting to craft things.

I also know we promised this quite awhile ago, unfortunately, circumstances changed so it hasn’t been able to fit in the development schedule yet. It’s still on the list. Part of being able to share plans with the community means sometimes the timeline for it is going to be long, sometimes we won’t know when something is going to be done and sometimes even if we do have a solid ETA, that ETA can change. But we preferred to let you know we were going to do something about it than to say nothing about it.

I do get that it’s frustrating waiting for it.