Ouch! 29K seals to get this mythic

I’ve seen veteran high end players quite at the 450% of average level.

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I spent 59k seals on Undine before getting him with gem keys. Which was not as bad as when I spent 9k gems to NOT get Elemaugrim


We have a winner! Sort of. :wink:

I’m not sure. At this point i think i might just craft him when he comes out and just save for the next mythic

I sure hope so lol

400 gem keys, 3k glory keys, 24 vip chests (1150 gems) 1k seals an still no luck… can safely tell this mythic telling me fo you not having me lol

I spent 20k seals plus 4200 glory keys plus 1000 gem keys before I got it. I am happy I did not have to go VIP route like last mythic cost me 4500 gems.

I remember infernus cleared out my hoard, every last key and seal that I had, but I got it on the last pull of guild seals the second week, it was a hard blow to overcome, but gems were not nerfed yet If I remember correctly

Don’t get me started about infernas. I used all keys plus over 10k gems nothing. Then got it in a LT a couple weeks later.

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I just remember being all in lol, and then I got it on my last pull of I think glory keys the second week, totally worth it, still my favorite, but man was i key poor for a long time



I spent 42k seals, almost 400 gem keys and 50 glory keys to get the last mythic. I was feeling bad, but it still wasn’t as bad as your experience @Whiskeyjack

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Wew lad with the thread necro.

I spent way too much to get Valdis. Wish I had skipped it like Suna.

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Valdis pretty much used up all of my resources too, and I haven’t even used her. Can’t remember exactly, but it was around 1,800 glory keys, 1,500 gem keys, 100+ guild seal keys, over 10,000 + guild seals, and then I do remember that I used 36,000 glory (which basically left me 4,000 glory after all my other resources had been used trying to get her).

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This thread is valid about once a month for someone. :grimacing: looks like 5 months ago was the last time I got totally screwed. Some prominent members of the community have quit when their giant hoard wasn’t enough.