I see there are already a couple requests to sort troops by base rarity. I would like to see a slight twist on that.
I would like to see something permanent on the card that visually identifies the troop’s base rarity. The reason is that level upgrade costs are tied to base rarity. If I have two blue troops that can be upgraded, one may be considerably cheaper, and it would be nice to know without drilling through another menu or two to check. Also, if I have multiples of those blue troops, the base rarity tells me how many times each has been ascended, and I will know at a glance what the troop cost is for the ascension to purple.
My problem is that I am getting to the point where I can’t recall any more. I no longer have any common cards (I mean white ones.) So yay (I think.) But I’m starting to lose track of which are which. I know them all within a level either way, but some of the ones that I never use and seldom see are difficult to keep straight.
I note that each card identifies rarity two ways: by number of stars (none for common to 4 for Legendary) and by color. My suggestion would be that the number of stars never changes (to identify original rarity) but that color does change to show ascension.
Finally, I will add my thoughts on sorting by base rarity, which isn’t the subject of my thread: I would like to be able to both sort by original rarity and ascended rarity.