OK Seriously, traits have ruined the game

3 turns is an awful long time

Itā€™d be cool if there was a trait that caused entangle upon skull damage or spell hit.

The Silent One
New third trait: Entangle enemies hit with itā€™s spell.

i was surprised we did not have that kind of trait

The Silent One should have been fixed long ago to silence just everyone. Only after that should we give him cool traits.

Entangle should also negate agile, only makes sense.


can you imagine a trait that silences on hit? We might complain about traits being over powered in that case. The entangle on hit trait should be called Capture and ranger looking troops should have it.

And druid or elfy type troops

Yes. And finally stop altering the attack power, just prevent dealing damage.

Hear hear! Well, perhaps after a massive rebalance to address the ascension bonuses.

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True Shot needs some serious nerfing. Tonight I faced up against a centaur with that and Agile together. Ouch. With the extremely high attack power the centaur had (21!), that was just ridiculous. Maybe if True Shot could ignore half of the armor, itā€™d work better. Agile is also simply too powerful; I think it should be adjusted down to a lower dodge rate, even something still as high as 33%.

Iā€™m kind of in between this and the OP. They havenā€™t ruined the game, and have added some depth, but because of the varying usefulness (see Shadow Dragon v. Gloomleaf for a great example of terrible v. awesome), they have upended a great deal of the time and effort lower level players put into building teams with scarce resources, such that what they spent so much effort on before 1.0.8 may no longer be viable. I mean, getting a level 17 Centaur Scout with True Shot isnā€™t that hard, but most people wouldnā€™t have leveled up Centaur Scouts early on because there were better troops who now get slaughtered by the higher level players who did already have lots of other troops leveled.

Much like team bonuses made lots of new teams viable and thereby reduced the usefulness of other teams, traits have done something similar on an individual troop level, and unfortunately every time one of these changes goes through it hurts the lower level players the most. So I could see why it IS ruining the game FOR THEM, at least in the short run. As others have mentioned, True Shot is ridiculously over-powered given the huge attack you can get now, and thatā€™s only one example.

I think the problem isnā€™t traits per se, but working out the kinks the devs didnā€™t foresee when they introduced them.

Precisely; itā€™s a balance issue. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll fix that over time. True Shot really needs to be nerfed, and I think a few other traits could stand for a similar treatment, but theyā€™ll work it out over time.

tldr; Traits are awesome. True damage is OP.

True Shot is OP. True damage (on spells) is UP. Or CRAPā€¦

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At this point, yes. As is just about any split-damage-among-enemies spell. With kingdom bonuses, team bonuses, and level 20 troops, every troop is simply too beefy to make those things worthwhile (with the possible exception of the Blade Dancer, Shadow Hunter, and Hydra). Itā€™s really quite ironic that the same update that killed the usefulness of these spells made True Shot, which is quite possibly the most ridiculously unbalanced thing in the game considering the relative ease of getting it on common troopsā€¦

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True shot, and skulls in general, can easily be countered with entangle. There isnā€™t a single unit with true shot that has immunity to entangle. The closest one is Gnoll with frenzy, which will unentangle when taking damage.

One of the main issues is also the scaling of abilities. While ability that creates bunch of skulls on board is basically constant in its power, the fact that it causes skull attacks makes it scale with attack of your troops. And with ascensions and kingdom bonuses, the attack increases very well when going to late game. On the other hand, you have abilities that do damage based on magic. And magic scales like crapā€¦

Well how about we increase magic all over the place huh? Easy solution at first glance, but really not possible when you really think about it - because of the different magic scaling on different abilities. And thats the second most troubling issue with the game.

When you have ability that deal damage based on magic onto one target, or split onto all enemies - increasing your magic by 1 will boost the damage by one. When you have ability that damages two enemies, voila, suddenly youre getting twice as much value. There are abilities that do damage to all enemies, and if we boosted magic globally, these abilities would become the new cancerā€¦ Not to mention there are some abilities like certain explodes ( Herdmaster, Ragnagord etc ) that just become completely bonkers when you increase magic.

So in order to balance the game (in my opinion) some revisiting of the magic system needs to happen. For instance make the single target abilities benefit more from magic ( 2 damage for 1 magic ), and make the multitarget abilities scale normally or badly from magic - like 1 damage per 1 magic if it hits two targets or 2 damage for each 3 magic if it hits everything etc. And once thats done, do some redistributing of stats where necessary, so that magic based abilites become comparable to skull damage in the lategame.

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True, but most troops that entangle a specific enemy are either weak or take a significant amount of mana to cast their spell. Then there are troops who entangle random enemies, like the Green Seer. Plus, having to build a team with an entangling troop just to avoid getting creamed is pretty lame; it slows the game considerably and thatā€™s no fun. An entangled troop could free up within a turn or two, with luck, so you have too keep your entangler ready to go pretty much all the time. Doable, but makes for drab gameplay IMO.


Agreed, and youā€™re often fighting a Skeleton in there too - so you need to hope you can charge and cast Entangle at the right time, just before Skeleton casts, or its extra turn means several attacks are coming your way. Agree that building a team just to try a perilous negative tactic (that likely wears off at the wrong moment) is neither fun nor efficientā€¦

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I donā€™t think increasing your attack should remove entangle. Entangle loses SO MUCH of itā€™s viability because of this.