Platform, device version and operating system:
Windows 10 x64
Screenshot or image:
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Enemy cast with some red weapon (Doomed Club, I believe, as he just tramsformed half-board to green). He was frozen, so only broke my armor mostly, and left a lot of doomstones - more than dozen of doomstones alone. “Nothing to worry” thought me, and pulled out Mythic Defence. That shown that it’s only 6 or so skulls on the board. Oh? Checked: it’s right, there are 6 skulls. And everything else is doomskulls. Well, I guessed visual issue and cast anyway. Na-ah. Got 64 armor, as advertised.
So, obviously, doomskulls doesn’t count as skulls, at least for the Champion of Gaard. But I wouldn’t be too surprised if the same is true for other skull-fuelled skills too.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Just noticed it.
Steps to make it happen again
- Make a lot of doomskulls
- Try to use Mythic Defence of Champion of Gaard (and maybe some other skull-fuelled skills too).
- Observe results.