(Not a bug) Can I have my rewards please

See screenshots.
Simple issue:

  • I have earned x Bounty points
  • the reward levels are x
  • but I have only been granted up to y

I have achieved 15K but only have the reward up to less than 10K
Can I please have what I earned?

NOTE!!! I am REALLY annoyed now, I tried to properly report the #&#(#()#) bug and your ##($(#)(#) Support system says STUPIDLY “new users can only attach one screenshot” AFTER the #&#(#(#()# thing let me attach TWO BUT it givEs me the #(#(#(#()#()# error BUT you cannot REMOVE ANY$#$(#(#(#(#())# of the #&#**(#(# attachments!!! SO only ##*(#(#(#()# option it aLLOWS? cancel THE $#((#(#(#(# THING

stupid as (#(#(#(#(#() hell!!!
All screenshots now glommed together like a stuopid #**(#(#(#()#()# idiot because your #
(#(#(#()#()#()# system FORCES me TO!@!@!!!

Nice text…

You know the points are not additional in total?

It’s not 15000 points for reward 15, it is 10000 points for reward 13 + another 12000 for reward 14 + another 15000 for reward 15

Hey @brianmcelroy
Sorry this wasn’t clear. As the others are outlining, the “Current points” are you total points but each Reward stage. So, for Reward 13 you need to earn an additional 10,000 points, etc.
For more information:

Let me know if you have any suggestions on how this could be clearer.

I’ll close this but feel free to PM me if you need more help.