No Horde Mimic, no money

Just to put this out there. I didn’t get a Horde Mimic because your RNG is BS, so I am F2P
now on and will not contribute another dollar for the foreseeable future. I’m 0-10 in Horde Mimic battles and have gotten almost 8 Nysha medals and 30,000+ trophies, while I see other get 3 Horde Mimic drops. So if I don’t get what I want, you ain’t getting what you want. Congrat we all lose!!!


oh my, haven’t seen so much butt-hurt about crappy RNG for a while…
cheers, relax and dont forget it’s just a game :wink:

Yeah, haven’t gotten one here yet but I figure it’ll happen eventually so: eh.

It helps that nobody’s been saying that it’s actually a good or useful troop; kinda takes the MO out of the FOMO, y’know.

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