No Chest in Mythic Guardian Room in Underspire

I mean the new mythic sentinel room yes…where the new treasure chests are found at the end of a corridor…they are also called guardian rooms…the main mythic room is a boss room, I am not talking of the mythic boss room.

There are also regular rooms, that are mythic rarity, and have the troop Silent Sentinel in them. This is the room they were talking about. It is possible you encountered this room, which is not a treasure guardian room. Without a “before” screenshot we will never know, though devs may be able to check.

Any room can be any rarity and this one specifically could be semi-easily mistaken for one of the new rooms, though the symbol on the map is a pretty clear indicator. I don’t believe you would have mistaken a normal room for a treasure guardian though.

Not yet, no.

Feel free to add it and I’ll keep it off my “weekly report” :grin:

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Yes I am hoping the devs can check…and next time will definitely take the before screen shot.

When the devs pushed that fix that added Treasure Guardians to already revealed or completed dead-ends, I had one that showed it was beaten but had no chest for me to collect. The rest had chests for me, just not that one.


FWIW, guardian treasure rooms, where the chest has been claimed, have a similar look. Example from the original screen shot, a cleared guardian treasure room appears on the map immediately left of center.

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