Nimhain's Lair: June 12th

Better how? Once again you’re confusing players needlessly.

The first step will do nothing except for the visual effect, since matches don’t resolve until after the last spell step, and you remove the board anyway. If at least you exploded it, maybe that would amount to something… But now you’re really just trolling the players. Do you think it will lead to more use? I don’t.

That is entirely dependant on how the spell is sequenced, it is obvious that Turintutor wants it sequenced in a way that the matches get resolved before the second part of the spell happens.

I don’t think it’s possible. From what I understand, there is no way to resolve matches before the spell casting ends. Unless you can give me an example of a troop that does work like that?

Skullbeard resolves skullmatches of his spawned skulls before he explodes the gems, so it should be possible.

No, he does not. He just creates skulls and explodes the board right away, without resolving them. I just tested again to be sure, you’re welcome to test too if you like.


I tested it many times when he came out. The chances of actually producing a skull match was low due to him only spawning five of 'em but when a 3+ match did happen it resolved before the explosion.
Might be they changed his spell later, but nevertheless the point stands it is entirely possible as i know for a fact he did it when he was released.

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first storms, then trolls rework… guys, transform a colour will be removed soon. :eyes:

In my experience, @yonizaf is correct. There is no mechanism in place for the board to resolve itself between spell steps. The entire spell executes as one action, and then matches are resolved.

Yes i was wrong, Skullbeard resolves possible matches after the explosions, but before the gems fall in place, so there are two points at which he resolves matches but both are technically after his spell, i remembered it wrong. My apologies.


Is the 1 turn deathmark delay and its interaction with barrier going to be fixed in 3.0.5?

Currently any troop that protects from deathmark with barrier STILL remains deathmarked after the proc, making barrier nearly useless against deathmark.


trolls had never been my choice for gem generator. i had better choices. they always strike me as gem generator that need another gem generator to be effective, without added benefit. can’t wait to see them change.

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I’d still go with a transformer any day. They offer about the same managain, 100% certainty to keep your turn and not just handing the opponent a board to completely destroy you, and they cost the same, actually now they are even cheaper for the transform part, only secondary effects push them over 10 mana.
Really hoped for interesting secondaries on Troll spells, but this way they will keep collecting dust in my troop roster.


Yay for trolls.

I beg to differ with the claim that rocks don’t regenerate. Any silicon-based life form is capable of regeneration. Scoot over on the couch and we’ll watch the classic Doctor Who episode “The Hand of Fear”, which reveals the potentially tragic consequences of such a regeneration gone out of control.

Eldrad must live!


I wouldn’t be too concerned about two trolls looping either since neither does anything extra on cast, you’d need to add a kraken or something to take advantage of it. And if you’re using 3 troops to make a loop do something, there are FAR more efficient mechanism out there.

Any info about when it will be release?

More efficient than three troops to reliably loop and do something useful? Makes me wonder what you have in mind…

Best stable loops are Alch+Hellcat, which does a little damage each iteration, or Seer+Spider, which does nothing much each iteration. Both need a Kraken or two to become efficient to use.

I don’t think spammers like the Guardians count… obviously Justice and co can loop themselves if you get lucky…

When used by a player, you may be right. But when you give it to the AI and people have to sit and look at it looping and looping for hours… then it’s not so nice anymore. We had that with Webspinner back when it used to be scaled with magic, and it wasn’t nice.

It’s nothing like the loop-able transformers mentioned by Jainus, the AI couldn’t loop these efficiently to save its life. Creators are where the AI shines, so that’s where they have to be extra careful with the effect’s balance. We already have enough reasons for players to be frustrated, no need to introduce more.



I don’t see why it could be impossible… It’s only programming.
Now if their workflow cannot handle this kind of situation, devs can modify it to make it possible.
It could be difficult or not, I don’t know ;-).

Once again, I’m just disappointed that trolls won’t have a specific spell and will just have a “standard” gem generation one :slight_smile: .