My Fair Lady

Have you continued using this team @Lyya? I’m wondering how it does in the long term and whether it has good speed for PVP.

I’ve got a pile of Forest stones I’ve been saving for when I get enough Mountain stones to trait Famine, but Sylvanimora is tempting me.

I have been using it exclusively this week, yes. It’s not as fast as a Maw/Mercy team but it is super reliable, and with 5* kingdoms it’ll win most matches in under 3 minutes. If the enemy front troop is Entangled, you can let it waste turns on skulls while you power up your generators. The only thing that poses a realistic threat is a team with several Impervious troops, but I’ve found that mana drain and true damage/AoE damage handles them well enough. I’m pretty happy with the investment in the forest dragon.

My record this week is 86 wins / 2 losses and I take on everything.

Of course, Famine is a great troop in its own right. I’d say he’s likely a better investment if you had to pick one.


Here’s a screenshot of a typical mid-game fight. Where are your stat drains now, horsemen? :smile_cat:


Just played this against your defense team. A little nerve wracking, but it was effective. Thanks for sharing!

Aw poop.


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I have returned with the math on Sylvanimora’s ability.

I found that the cost of 17 was acceptable compared to Behemoth’s 14. The following are all approximations but close enough…

Assume that on a given board, there are about 9 of each color (including skulls). Behemoth destroying 10 gems will therefore get one skull and 9 mana. Maybe 2-3 of that 9 mana will start recharging Behemoth. Comparatively, Sylvanimora will explode 24 gems, of which 2-3 will be skulls, leaving 21-22 mana - at the 70% rate for explosions, the gain is about 14-15 mana (4-5 going to Sylvanimora).

Behemoth does +1 damage*, Sylvanimora gets a decent amount more mana even after the extra cost. However, Sylvanimora can also control the columns to destroy - meaning the player can choose which mana to get (potentially recharging half or more of the cost), leave a skull match for the entangled first enemy to try to use, and so on.

So I think 17 is fair.

(*: 16 damage instead of 17, late-game, doesn’t mean much either - easy trade for board control effects)

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Factor in their third Traits.

Sylvanimora only Entangles a single, the top, Troop. Behemoth can reach insane levels of Life.

Sylvanimora is a hybrid damage dealer/support Troop, Behemoth is a hybrid damage dealer/meatshield tank

But without damage reduction behemoth is still very weak. It doesn’t matter how much health he has he goes down.

If you put Behemoth up top, you deserve to lose. He’s meant as an emergency or backup tank only. Like on my Original Blue team.


I think the concept of an off-tank (position #2) works pretty well in a lot of teams.

I was actually using War in that role for a while - for difficult fights I knew were going to take some time. When the tank finally dies, you end up with this huge War ready to do some damage. It wasn’t exactly an optimal team in the meta at the time, but it was incredibly fun and reliable to play with.


Optimal, schmoptimal. If it’s fun, that’s the ticket… :slight_smile:


There a lot of underutilized strategies because the meta takes hold and players stop being creative.

I try an introduce a new concept every 2-3 weeks. Can’t give away ALL my secrets :wink:

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