More Guild Ranks

Vanyel makes a valid and lucid point. Totally agree.we are also b1 and have been schematically headhunted by a guild that presumably see us as a threat. Changes in personnel don’t change that. They can’t recruit us all. And I doubt any of us would join them no matter what.

Anyway, wouldn’t be a good compromise to implement THE POSSIBILITY of having more ranks and distribute permissions/powers if the GM so desires/needs to share the burden?

If people want a guild where the GM is the only one with power and everything must go through him/her/combat-helicopter so be it.

If someone wants a guild with one or more extra ranks sharing the same powers of the GM it could be good too for them if they have a very close relationship and trust.

It just need some safeguards to keep the system from being used wrongly and this would be possibly one of the best features for guild management.


I agree fully with this.

I know some guilds are run by couples, so having both accounts with the permissions eliminates the requirement of either waiting on the other to get home/logging into their account.

If you are a paranoid person and believe everyone is out to get you and want everyone else just to have no permissions at all, then thats what you can have.

I do agree with Safeguards, such as no kicking someone higher than you if you have that ability, unless over a pre determined time limit, such as 21 days currently.

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So, the fact that there are both many pros/cons to giving the customisable permissions is one of the reasons we were hesitant to add it in the first place. It’s tricky to know how many people would use it vs if it’s going to cause more problems. But we’re definitely open to hearing suggestions.


:slight_smile: i am primarily intrested in more ranks as the title suggests. But i would consider it a huge bonus to also be able to give custom permissions per rank based on my guild’s culture.

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I wanted to bring up EVE Online but didn’t, partially because if I start talking about it I never stop.

But GoW is not EVE Online. That kind of coup is both not currently possible and with the “you can’t kick a higher-ranked player” it wouldn’t be possible. The main differences are:

  1. It wouldn’t be permanent. In EVE, it is the game’s policy that if you are swindled it was your fault. In GoW I have almost no doubt that if some top 10 guild sent a spy to somehow stage a coup in another top 10 guild, support would reverse the damage and the player would be severely disciplines.
  2. It wouldn’t be possible. You have to kick the GM to stage a coup. You can’t.
  3. EVE has a concept of resources far more complex than GoW’s. You can’t steal a guild’s gold or statues, nor can you make the statues worse. In EVE, many of those dumb pubbie guilds worked on a communist model, which meant they let the GUILD own everything. That’s how our spies were able to steal everything. I still miss Vile Rat.
  4. EVE has a concept of territory GoW doesn’t have. When a corp takes over a lowsec system, you can choose to deny docking rights to any hostile corp. Now anyone who logged off in that station gets to choose ONE ship to try and run away with because they’re not coming back. In GoW it’d be like logging in to find out you get one of your teams and all your other troops are lost.

GoW has to change for coups to be possible, I don’t think it’d make that specific change, and even if it did I’m pretty sure support would view this as harassment/cheating.

I think people were concerned with an implementation of static new ranks with same powers as a GM. Something irreversible and that would change how guilds works right now Cyrup.

But giving us the option to customize wouldn’t fundamentally change things for those who are ok with the current state. The only aspects important is how things should work and what safeguards should be in place to prevent abuses.

A good and simple safeguard: Only the original GM can edit permissions.
Paired with the period of 21 days before the original GM can be kicked/replaced would keep things working if he/she/eldritch-horror had at least a second-in-command GM capable of doing all the other things.

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valid points. I just thought of the most extreme example of the worst case scenario.

For the record, I AM the GM for my guild and the owner of our alliance’s discord server. I wouldn’t ever put someone in a position to coup or destroy the guild that I don’t 100% trust to begin with. I have people on discord who can do everything I can without having to worry they’re going to delete the server or ban everyone. I want the same for in-game.

I can’t be around 24/7 while running a business and running an international guild. Something happens to me and things can bog down. I’d rather be able to have 1 or 2 trusted people be able to carry on in my absence. I’m a night owl anyway but having to be around at 2-3am for reset member changes isn’t always conducive to functioning the next day.

I understand the fear of seeing your guild you’ve nurtured for years go up in smoke in an instant. That would crush anyone’s soul. But having the option to dole out additional responsibility would be awesome. And it being an option means it doesn’t have to be utilized if a GM doesn’t want to.

Will someone be naive enough to give an untrustworthy person the ability to destroy their guild? I’m sure it’ll happen. But for every instance of that there will be tons of GMs happy to share responsibilities and dozens more who won’t use it and therefore completely unaffected either way.

Besides, safeguards like not being able to kick members of same or higher rank and only a GM being able to disband a guild would prevent most any disaster. In most cases you can find your members again to bring them back. And with the guild logs back in place it’s not like it’s a mystery who caused the trouble.


is there any way to set that in the Guild Pop-up/Guild Admin/Ranks area, or is it just something set internally by the guild officers in their guild requirements?

The maximum number of ranks is set internally, however you can move as many members as you want between ranks (up to 30 and excluding Rank 1).

thank you, we just wanted to make sure before we started moving folks around.

I know i would love to be able to set another guild member to be able to kick and demote. As long as they cannot kick the GM there should be no major issues. And if a GM doesnt trust another enough for that, then the dont give them the power to kick.

Please do this