Missing classes - underworld factions - weapons - pets and other features since reset

Yeap attempted, did not work.

So its not said twice:


Cool, thanks for the update. No one should get fired over stuff like this. It happens. Maybe only if they broke a very formal process which says “never, ever, do X”.

Generally as long as they aren’t doing this sort of thing regularly and learn from it, happy days.

However, whoever did it should maybe be kept away from the big Frankenstein “push to live” switch for a couple of months! :wink:





Lovely jubbly! Nice work, thanks for the comms!

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I can confirm that restarting works. Great job @Kafka and @Saltypatra!

Something is still not 100% right. I’m showing 63/60 pets in Troops and Teams / Collection view. Looks like most has come good though.

You say that, I check, Im showing 88/60

Everything else is right though it seems.

Well I went to restart the game and then xbox decided it was the perfect time to do a console update. LOL what a night!

Seems the pets issue is visual only for collection, actual pets are all there. Kafka has passed it on though.

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About half of my cosmetics (both earned and unearned) are also missing from my game.

This is literally the only two emoji sets the game is showing me as not having. I should be missing about a dozen.

I play on both the chromebook and the pc. On the chromebook I did a un-install and re-install and the only problem is the amount of pets. Says I have 70 out of 60.

On the pc, I just did a close and restart of the game and the same problem with the amount of pets.

Otherwise everything “seems” to be back to normal.

Hope that helps

Should be fixed now, try restarting again

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Hello Smash. Thanks for trying, I’ve been in and out of the client a couple of times and that pet view is still showing 63/60. Not a big issue for me, I just wanted to feed back that it still seems to be hanging around. :+1:

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Yeah the pets issue is visual only, and as such wont be fixed tonight Id say. Kafka is heading to bed now (just after midnight here in Aus land) and the other issues all seem to be fixed, which is a major achievement on its own considering the timezone.

They will check with the visual issues and others that are happening due to it in the morning Id say


So, out of curiosity: how were the chests that were opened during the past few hours affected by all this? :thinking::sweat_smile::vulcan_salute:

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People were drawing The Gray King out of event chests, so I would guess things were fine on that end? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


asking the real question here

As far as Im aware, fine. I got new troops and mythic’d them.

I know it was reported by CL that she got TGK and had to relevel it, but thats only report I have heard of that, and I checked all my troops after it was mentioned and all were leveled, so seems that might be the only issue, and possibly only affecting some players.

Ooh, The Gray King is a possible drop from Event Chests this week. That would have passed me by, thanks for the heads up.