Kingdom Power Task Actually Available?

I really like the new Kingdom display screen, but I have one way I think it could be better: the circles in the lower right could include an “x” in any circle that represents a task that is “Not Achievable Yet”, just as the check-mark indicates a task that has been completed.

This small UI change would allow a player to, at a glance, know whether they have something available to do. As it stands, the player either has to remember every “blocked” kingdom/power task, or else waste a lot of time clicking and checking.


It’d be nice to have ONE screen that shows you where your kingdoms are and if they are as far as they can get. It’d be nice to not have to scroll over a map of 34 kingdoms and tap each one a few times to get that information.

This UI is a step in the right direction, I think a couple more steps would really help!


I definitely agree an in-game “Kingdom List” would be the ideal solution!