Jouney Data

There will be a change in the next Journey event. The details will be in the blog.


Why do I have the feeling that there will be another nerf to the journey troops? :pleading_face:


So we’re going from “useless” to “actively harmful to the player”?


And no heads-up?
So nobody has actually figured out yet what exactly the changes will be and something will simply get thrown together just before the event starts?


Knowing players’ luck, probably another -1 level off boss fights.


So just some further info the score requirements for reward tiers 8-16 have been decreased. The exact details will be in the blog for the event :slight_smile:


Hopefully in a meaningful way. We haven’t finished journey since the nerf to the troops since I can’t in good conscience ask that of my (full!) guild.

May still not be enough as thus is the single most annoying, frustrating, and slow going guild event. But I hope it will make it better.


Hi Kafka,

What about returning the x3 boost (for create gems) for the Pathfinder only during the event, as it was before? Playing the event will still be difficult and boring without a captain working for the event. And hard or impossible for newbie and low level players.


Thank goodness! Any little change to Journey is welcome!

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Ok cool. Now, do you think you could make this event fun?
It’s by far the most boring, uninteresting event in the whole game, even before the nerf.
In our guild, we force ourselves to play for the rewards, and we finished painfully each time so far
But many guildmates (including me) are very close to throw the towel on that event

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While this is True there is less desire for 505 to implement change. It’s working as intended. Every guild that ‘suffers’ is feeding the troll.

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You are right. The sad part is that we are going to lose members because the game is not fun anymore. I guess it’s what they want

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