Is this moral?

So in other words they’re weak minded. I can’t run a marathon right now but I have pushed my body before to do it. I guarantee you if I man up and train my ass off I’d be able to do it again. What these people need to do is take some responsibility and understand it’s no one’s fault but their own just like it’s no one’s fault but mine that I am not in my peak shape.

One of the ways a new player might see if a deal is worth it is to check the forums, where they might find this thread and realize that 200 gems for 2 Mythic ingots is not worth it.

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Calling those with different brain physiology “weak minded” would be like calling someone with a club foot “slow.”


I’d say mental weakness is completely different from a physical handicap.

Right. That’s sort of the point I’m making.

Different brain physiology is a physical handicap. It’s just an invisible one.


I don’t believe it’s the same. If you have a gambling problem ie. You’re too weak minded to shake your addiction there are people you can reach out to for help and there’s even medication if necessary. I see help hotlines for everything.

You can lead the horse to the water but you can’t make it drink. The help is out there but they refuse to get it. They’re the ones making the choice to not get the help so they get absolutely no sympathy from me. I also think people making excuses for them like this are enabling these so called addicts. All it comes down to is being these addicts being too weak minded and not being pro active to make yourself a better person.

Some of them can’t even tell, or accept, they are not fully functional individuals. There is a difference between physical conditions and mental ones, but you are refusing to admit that there are stages where the individual is unsuited to care for themselves.

I don’t know if you understand the deep stages of addiction. It puts the user under the illusion that everything is fine as long as they sate their “needs”. Having a job, family, friends it’s not a priority or enjoyable activity/aspect of their lifes anymore

Had people realized how complex the minds can be we could maybe have avoided some of the worst kinds of tragedies in modern days.

Like pinneaple pizza for example… Madness!


I get there can be deep addiction but again, personal responsibility. If they refuse to acknowledge they have a problem then they’re not taking personal responsibility and I have absolutely no sympathy for them. Most addicts actually admit they have a problem and yet they refuse to get help. It makes me sick to my stomach. Like I said before, what makes it even worse is by putting the blame on companies you’re pretty much taking the right away from someone who actually did do their own due diligence and want to buy it even though a guy like me doesn’t think it’s worth it.

Here’s just one scientific review of the literature regarding Major Depressive Disorder. You can find it and the many articles it cites hosted on the website for the National Center for Biotechnology Information, part of the U.S National Library of Medicine. (

A review is a paper designed to summarize the findings of experts in the field to identify trends and areas for further study. These are often easier to parse than raw articles for people without an advanced scientific degree, but I’ve provided the links to both, so. You can check up on me if you think I’ve cherry-picked, if necessary.

In this particular review’s abstract (it’s the summary before the introduction) the doctors state, “Numerous studies that focused on gray and white matter have found significant brain region alterations in major depressive disorder patients, such as in the frontal lobe [personality and higher-reasoning, including risk-assessment], hippocampus [memory], temporal lobe, thalamus, striatum, and amygdala [fear, aggression, impulse control; emotions in general]. The results are inconsistent and controversial because of the different demographic and clinical characteristics. However, some regions overlapped; thus, we think that there may be a “hub” in MDD and that an impairment in these regions contributes to disease severity” (emphasis mine).

The second part I emphasized? It’s not saying there are no conclusions to be drawn, or that, in general, the science is not leaning a certain way. It’s just science-speak for “not enough studies have been repeated for us to know with 100% certainty;” i.e “we’re still figuring this stuff out, but what’s to follow is what we know so far.”

If you read all the way through to the results, you’ll see that the scientists found what I emphasized, that: “ these findings also suggest that MDD is not only due to local lesions but is also a multiloop disorder” (emphasis mine).

If a literally brain abnormality isn’t a “physical deformity,” then I don’t know what qualifies. People with MDD and related disorders (re: addiction disorders) do not have “normal” brains and thus often cannot force themselves out of certain thought patterns/choices.

It’s not a choice when it’s severe. Because some have less severity and can still choose does not mean all are as lucky.

If I literally had holes in my brain, or bruises, or inactive lumps that made it impossible for me to will myself to help myself, then I would hope those around me would be caring enough to keep me safe and protect my interests.

I did this research FOR THE HORDE

(and because I think you’re worth it)


Someone can be inducted into a behavior or some addiction because of situations out of their control. Sometimes it can start as some sort of escapism like a kid getting too self-absorbed into a game or something else because it gives him pleasure in a way to cope with a reality they are not prepared to face, like parents fighting, getting divorced…

So how much responsability this child have over some trauma? I understand you are pointing out a fabled future where said kid have the means to deal with their addiction, it’s a pristine picture of loving family/friends giving him support in a socitey that truly cares about mental health and invested in free programs to assist the ones who need it.

But well, the world is not such a beautiful place. People are pressured from all angles to “Do that!”, “Eat this!”, “Study that!”, “Don’t cry!” “Get up!” and you are just another person echoing a false paradigm that everyone CAN achieve everything because there are no barriers or pitfalls in every curve of this journey.

Not everyone have half the privilegies most of us take for granted…

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the same way people born without legs are weak and can’t run marathons.
of the same way most short people can’t dunk a basketball.
sure, you can work and work and work, and if you’re 5 feet 4 eventually dunk a basketball, but calling them weak because they can’t is… it’s placing an agency on them that ignores physcial limitations.


we should not be helping THE HORDE. when they come fro us all, you’ll be to blame.

At the end of the day I still disagree. It seems to me you guys are ok with just letting these people make excuses. It’s almost as if it’s enabling them. Like I said you can lead the horse to water but you can’t make them drink. We give these people every opportunity to ask for help. A lot of them take it and some don’t. That’s not on me, it’s on them only. I get there are extreme cases but the fact is not all of them are extreme and they can get help if they choose to. I think it’s bs a company shouldn’t be allowed to sell something just there are people out there who have no sense of responsibility and cannot show self control.

Totally agree with you, ppls gotta lean take responsibility and consequences of their decisions and actions!

No clue why LSD, acid, crack, eroine and all the rest arent legal, anyway only “weak minded” will get it and will be only their fault anything can happen.

And what about alchool? should be free and sold to everyone in any state (state as in nm if they’re already drunk that cant even stand up), again, some weak minded splat themself on a tree? well is their fault and on the next life they maybe will learn.

We should defo stop blaming and hunting drugs dealers, poor innocent ppls :frowning:

Btw guess horses are more asses than dogs cuz my silly dog actually drink when i tell him to do :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In many places, the world doesn’t give a cartwheel what you believe. It is what it is.

There is an entire field of medical science devoted to the things you are dismissing. You might as well argue you don’t believe in cancer. Cancer doesn’t give a flip, neither do any of the dozens of disorders that make a person vulnerable to swindles.

You are not a good person. The ideas you support are used to cause widespread harm to vulnerable people and you relish it. Why don’t you go find a baby to rob or something? If it were “worth protecting” wouldn’t it have worked hard to outsmart you?

I hope you don’t have windows in your house. That’s just asking for property theft. You wouldn’t call the police, right? You’d take responsibility for your foolhardiness, correct? I don’t think it’s right that a ring of thieves has to operate in secrecy because people are too dumb to live in armored bunkers.


can’t you make a point without attacking the person?

Not when the point is, “It should be OK to take advantage of people who have mental disorders and take their money.” There’s not a good ground to argue that from.

There are plenty of ways to defend the specific practices of GoW but as soon as you trot out, “I don’t believe in addiction disorders” you may as well be talking about sky gods and faeries because we’re no longer having a discussion based on logic. Next we’ll be discussing whether Measles exists or something else equally outside of reality.


Perhaps this ‘would be god’ deserves not our scorn, but our pity. Could this be a cry for help?

I was assigned ‘Gamer’ at birth, which means I am destined to wander the earth in search of swimming pools with pictures taped to their surface, until such time that I drown and die.

But in my travels, I have also read a few books. “Graphic novels”, truth be told. Let’s just say, I was reading Heavy Metal long before Joe and Nancy started pooping in their Depends and wiping it on their face. Just kidding.

But there was a tale told of a weak individual, mentally and physically, who woke up one day in a new world, all-knowing and all-powerful. It might be possible, if such a being existed, that it would loathe it’s future self, and fear the day it was returned to it’s pre-existing state.

To it, I would merely state, Good Will Hunting-style, “It’s not your fault, it’s not your fault”.

Hopefully this thread stays open, so the weak and inexperienced may find the help they need.

For the Horde (not the Horde from Split, the other Horde…)

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Wow, talk about grasping at straws…

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you don’t enable someone who has a brain disorder, you help them.
you don’t enable someone with depression, but you do recognize there’s a chemical imbalance in the brain that’s likely beyond their control.
consider whether you’d tell someone contemplating suicide to get help, or that their life is their responsibility and they should just be happy thru willpower.
as has been pointed out, some peoples’ brains are different that others. Physically different. we’re just trying to get you to recognize this has behavioral consequences.

I admit this has gone beyond the issue of pricing disparity and gambling issues in mobile games. I was just trying t correct a misimpression you had, not start an argument. Please accept that some of us had had some heavy schooling on these issues.
we is just trying to learn ya something.