Is Medusa in drop pool?

Same here. It’s the only one I don’t have, and as we’ve started a new cycle it’s obvious that it’s not in there for some reason. Will this get fixed at some point? If not, we’ve moved into the realm of having GoW troops behind paywalls.


See above:


Increasing the number of mythics to craft in the Soulforge is important, but I’ve come to realize that the same problem not only exists for the weapons as well, but is arguably worse.

If I want to get a kingdom to KPL20 for the stat bump, I’m entirely at the mercy of the weekly rotation right now. You need weapons, and if you don’t have them, it doesn’t matter how much you play or how many resources you have: you can’t increase your kingdom. It’s not on a cycle at all, just apparently random, and so in some cases a year or longer will go by without any chance to craft those weapons. We really need a chance more often than this to get both weapons and mythics. At least with the pets there is some element of random chance that might bring you a helpful one occasionally.


That was March 6th, next cycle started Mar 20th, Medusa is in the soulforge this week. And there’s still many mythics to go in this cycle. Considering how long the cycles are and how many new mythics are added per cycle, we’ll soon be on 1 cycle per year if the number of troops in soulforge per week doesn’t noticeably increase.


Thanks for mentioning this, I hadn’t checked and I’ll have been gutted if I found I’d missed it and it wouldn’t appear again for months!