[Investigating] Shiny keys troops missing in game!

If you did not upgrade your troops using the keys to at least level 5 then they are missing from the game right now! So don’t open your keys until they have this huge bug fixed. If you check your inventory and see what troops you have upgraded to but not have reached the level of 1 then they are missing from the game in the current state at this point. You can check this easily by doing an explore run and trying to find said troop, you wont find it but you will find it once you meet the 5 of a certain troop, it will then unlock it and drop it into the troop pool. But i highly stress you dont dont do this because you might get the benefits but the enemy gets the same benefits too!!

A little more organized manner would be appreciated.

As for troops with not enough tokens for shiny upgrade not appearing in explore:
Appeared three times in a row

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I’m not saying what I’ve posted is all the troops, your list might be less or more depending on how many troops you have have that are not up to the threshold of the first level, or five of each to be available in the drop table or they won’t spawn. So in the fuure when they put a mythic up for this shiny upgrade you will miss it completely until you get 5 of the same shiny keys and then both you and your enemy get the same upgrade so how is this a plus?

Every troop in the game that you haven’t leveled up yet are not in the explore mode.

Dyrad doesn’t spawn in the current state of the game

Beserker doesn’t spawn in the current state of the game

Sparkgrinder doesn’t spawn in the current state of the game

Sylvasi doesn’t spawn in the current state of the game

Anubite doesn’t spawn in the current state of the game

We already know there are multiple troops that do not show up in explore mode. Way before shiny troops were ever introduced.

When I used to use a Zuul/Slayer team, it was obvious Kelpie never showed up in Ghulvania. Same with other boss killers.

They do seem to rotate based on the kingdom/troop bonuses of the week.

It was said to be investigating back then but nothing came of it.

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I’ll double check with the team but basically, the troops are loosely based on the enemies you fight in the Kingdom quest line however, the team suggestion tool has the ability to change the team if it finds a better one - so it may be replacing those troops in certain Kingdoms as it feels there’s a better team combo.

Also thank you for clarifying in your 3rd post as the first post was a bit confusing and I was coming here to ask clarification questions but saw you had already cleared those questions up :slight_smile:

Of some of the troops that I have between 1-5 tokens that have showed up:

Anubite Warrior
Boatswain Bart
Vlad the Unsatiated

I can probably find a few more on my list if I actually cared, but there’s no point really.

It’s more so due to what Cairnso brought up with the AI Team Picker prioritizing certain roles, rarities and strategies over others, which is why most common troops never see the light of day in Explore anymore.

Is the AI Team Picker not making certain troops show up a bug? … I have no idea. I wouldn’t be against seeing more Snowy Owls, Penguins, and Serpents.


So after doing more testing last night dryad spawns at a rate of 1 every 20 battles or so but it can be much longer. But i have not had any success spawning sparkgrinder or berserker yet since my post. If it has been reported already then close this thread. It seems that the propagation of the list for the further down you go the better chance of the spawn rate but it’s just my 15 minutes on each of my 20 or so troops that i have that are less than 5 total of each