Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam, Android (could be others but i have played on these)
Screenshot or image:
Not required. Its related to offer screen animation in explore.
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Issue: Offers during Explore cannot be exited by tapping back button or pressing ESC on PC. Player has to wait for offer to fully load before they can decline it. Happened after latest Gems update.
Expected: Back button functionality should work like before to quickly bring up decline screen on the offer if not interested.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Every single time on an offer screen in Explore.
Steps to make it happen again
Play Explore and wait for an offer to pop up (genie/daemon/angel/merchant) - try to tap back or esc & it wont work.
Only work around right now for this is wait for offer to start loading and quickly press the X button in the offer. Can be done with mouse on PC & tapping on Phone but if playing with a controller on PC (which i usually do as its more comfy for me), there is no option but to mouse click it.
This has already been reported by lot of players in GW imagined thread but since i did not see a bug logged, here you go.
I think the offers trigger about 30% of the time (correct me if I’m wrong), but waiting about 5 seconds for the merchant/angel/genie/daemon to show up, makes explore, and even delves so slow. Moving around the world map is much slower too.
How these problems got past beta testing is beyond me…
No, it’s was pretty much on purpose. They’ve always complained about the speed we’re able to play since introducing x4 time.
Explore has been constantly slowed down to make it as annoying as possible, so you can’t grind it without going nuts. Then they added in the most random troop drop.
Every time they update Explore, I just wish more and more I took the time to get Hoard Mimic before that update. My will to play is decreasing more.
Jeto, can you please answer this question? On the patch note, it’s posted that skipping past the wandering merchant system, is a bug. There has to be a mistake. When those offers popped up, you could back out of the offer before it fully loaded. The game would then give you a confirmation screen, asking if you were sure you wanted to decline. Sometimes we’d press exit by mistake. If you wanted to see the offer, you could cancel the decline. The merchant and angel are the only offers worth looking at.
The others come in on an explore run, way too late. Their timing is off. They should affect fresh runs, or a set of runs. Merchant and angel are the only ones that make chronological sense. Can you clarify this portion of the post?
I am on PC and I am noticing that I cannot close the offer anymore except for when I click on the X in the top right corner, no matter how much the offer has or hasn’t loaded. I was before able to quit the offer by clicking to the left and right of the offer window.