Invasions and raids more or less the same

At least let us choose the orb ffs

And who even came up with the orb of clans??? Does your Monday morning brainstorming session start with 'how many players can we piss off this week?


Man I’ve been saying this about all the money bundles in the game since the start. This game dramatically overvalues all of its currencies.


The point I was making was that there were 12 reward stages in Raids, because the first two stages were minions 1 and 2, and then there are 10 portals. The entire reward structure of Invasions is a direct copy paste of Raids, with minions 1 being renamed stage 1, minions 2 being renamed stage 2, portal 1 being renamed stage 3, portal 2 being renamed to stage 4 and so on and so forth. The first event key comes at stage 2, which was minions 2. The first orb is at stage 6, which was portal 4. The vault key is at stage 7, which was portal 5. First double-orb at stage 11, which would be portal 9. The major orb is at stage 12, which was portal 10. The rewards aren’t more scattered, its an exact 1 to 1 copy.

The reason I even brought this up is because I was agreeing with you. Getting to stage 12 is ridiculous. But it isn’t because they added 2 more stages and spread the rewards out, but because they screwed up the numbers. Basically, I’m saying it would be disingenuous for them to claim invasions have a higher reward point to reach and you need to pay more to reach farther, because, like I said, the reward table is a 1 to 1 copy of raids. Stage 12 should be as easy to complete as Portal 10 was, period, because it is the same reward point.

Everything else you said is correct. I’m not sure where my math went wrong either after redoing the calculations other than I must have misinput a number.

What they need to do here is lower the numbers of kills required so that a t3 purchase of a full guild of perfect play gets you 90% of the way to stage 12 (completing the event), which would be analogous to portal 10 in raids, and their stated intent. Meaning, stage 12 should need about 4600-4800 tower kills total (which is less than the current “stage 9” rewards) and all other stages reduced so that their ratios remain similar to what they have now.

Looking at it from this perspective, it occurs to me that the numbers we are seeing to progress through each reward stage are probably supposed to be the total amount of tower kills required to close out that respective stage.

So I decided to see just how broken these numbers are currently.

In total, it looks like stage 12 requires 16,935 tower kills. With an estimate of t4 perfect plays being 5280 kills, that puts you at needing 11655 more tower kills, or 2914 more sigils between your guild after perfectly playing all sigils on all days up to t4. If perfectly portioned out to the guild so that everyone bought t6 (+850 gems each) and just barely enough people bought t7s (125 packs in total, so 120 people buying 3 t7s at 1500 gems, and 5 people buying 3 t8), you’d barely scrape by with perfect plays. That would cost everyone in the guild 2850 gems (t1-6, 3xt7), with five people an additional 500 gems on top of that. Playing nearly perfectly for the entire event. And also sinking dozens of man-hours from playing other modes in the process, which has a very real opportunity cost that. The last reward stage alone is over 1000 gems worth of contribution for every player in the guild buying t7s playing perfectly and a few people buying additional t7 packs and playing perfectly.

I’m inclined to follow both Hanlon’s and Occam’s Razor here to reach the conclusion that the number of kills required to reach a given reward point on these tables cannot possibly be correct.

tl;dr: @Sirrian @Alpheon @Nimhain - Please, check your math on the number of kills required for the current reward points in Invasions. I think someone messed up the data entry on the tables.


Quick question: Do we have confirmation that upon reaching STAGE 8 where there are 4 guaranteed Towers there are no random Valraven spawns?

Assumption: If the answer to the above question is in fact YES… then would it not be “wiser” for the guild to remain collectively at STAGE 7 facing 3 towers with a single troop that COULD become a Valraven?

Final question: If you kill a tower, but lose the battle do you still get credit for having killed the tower??

Final assumption in the above scenario, again assuming that the answer is yes credit is awarded regarless of loss or victory, then it becomes critical that at staged 6 and 7 when facing 3 towers, if a Valraven DOES NOT spawn that a player kill 2 two towers and then commit suicide as quickly as possible. Gaining 2 towers. And should a Valraven spawn win the battle as normal to acquire to the additional sigils.

Or devs can fix their numbers to an appropriate level. :innocent:

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@Mithran, I get it now. I didn’t even know what the requirements for the first two (or four) portals were because I did the battles before really looking. In both weeks we were at portal 6 or so before I even looked at the rewards tab.

My mistake, obviously, because I wouldn’t have even done this event if I had looked first.

@efh313, if you assume for every three sigils you can be at stage 7 and kill three towers, die, kill three towers,die, kill two towers and a valraven, die, getting the extra two sigil bonus, then yes. You’d be better off in terms of tower kills staying at stage 7. I think. Essentially after getting those 8 tower kills you’d have only used a single sigil on net. Your battles would stay easier that way, too.

OOPS. [EDIT] I forgot, you don’t get the valraven sigils if you lose the battle. So you’ll need to eventually progress past stage seven.


I get the frustration @maczenith. I was lucky enough to get 2 wisdom orbs last week, but I did get a orb of clans this week. I am curious about one thing though…has anyone confirmed if the orb of clans (+300 seals) can be used after you have hit your weekly limit of 1500? So, in other words, can you use it to boost your total weekly seals to 1800 for one week? Because, if it can, that could change things.

You can do this. I used two orb of clans last week after I hit the 1500 cap and it increased to 2100 :+1:


Okay, than that makes the orb of clans worth it. Thank you!!

@Mithran thanks again for the very useful post and I’m sure we all appreciate you doing the math on the towers. I’m frankly a little angry no one on the Dev team did the same :open_mouth: How in the @#&* does that even happen!

Anyway I hope we see a “hot fix” issued soon as I’m running a prize event this week for our guild and this new game mode is a hot mess that I’m basically enticing them to play :face_vomiting:

For those wondering about teams and the 4 towers I have a couple videos up from last night already you can check them out on my channel or watch one here. (And yes I probably should swap Kerb out at this point but it was still so easy there was no point perhaps tomorrow I’ll swap in DB or Mang for Kerb going forward as an alt)


Gotta love that the math to even get NEAR the end is out of this world for END GAME WHALES, LET ALONE mid game players and god forbid low ranks who “help” their guild by doing the events.
So let’s assume you’re mid game, what are the odds of ANY perfect runs, let alone ALL perfect…
The devs need to give their heads a fkn shake and hard. Stop letting the publisher TELL them what they want, open their mouths and let the publisher know that a ridiculous hundred bucks a WEEK isn’t going to happen.

The same two people that enjoy maps is my guess.

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Cool quote from a year ago, when Sirrian was explaining the mechanics of Guild Wars:

NOTE: In case anybody is wondering, you cannot purchase more battles… we’re not that kind of game! :stuck_out_tongue:


A whole year of guild wars already, that went really fast.

Another paying customer that quit game. Hopefully the devs can give us more of what we don’t want.

I guess it now is that kind of game :thinking:

Also, love the username.

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I have no doubt they did the math. It looks like a simple data entry error that didn’t get caught… the numbers they put in used the correct math, but the person inputting the numbers didn’t understand how the system would use them and put in totals they were given for each reward point when they should have input offsets from the previous reward point. Crossed wires, it happens. This looks like the kind of thing that should be hotfixable. We just have to wait. My main concern here is people overspending to try and reach another tier when they might have already “finished” the event.


My guild is about 1/2 done stage 6 already so I’d guess that has already happened to us :thinking: I believe it was probably a stupid human error as well but I also believe it should have been caught prior to being released into the “wild” this was an easy catch (you and others noted it very quickly and your not even involved at the level the folks that should have caught are).

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I hope that the game will be able to handle the rewards appropriately if the thresholds change mid-event. If I remember correctly, they have adjusted weekly event thresholds (do I have no choice but to use “snotstones” to describe these now?) once without any issues, so hopefully this can be done for invasions as well.


Stan I never use that term it is and will always only ever be “event stones” it irks me even the dev’s use the other term at times :confounded: