Intrim II is recruiting! (30/30) Currently full

Hey guys, i am the guild master of Intrim II. Due to 2 members not meeting the requirements and not responding in chat despite being in game, we have decided to kick them.

As such we currently have 2 vacancies!

Intrim II is ranked 132 right now in the league, with 62.168 trophies and constantly going up. We are level 207, with +54 all masteries.

Our requirements are 300k gold donated, 300 trophies weekly, and that you check chat, to see if there was any relevant information given there. Also, donate only to gem/keys/7 token tasks.

Post here or on chat 1, as we are usually always chatting there xD

I’d love an invite. Thanks.

Sorry, we accepted one of the persons we kicked back, and picked another in the chat. Currently full again.

We have 2 new slots.

Currently rank 114, level 228, +57 masteries.

The requirements are still the 300k/300trophies.

Post here, pm me or talk in chat 001.

Tomorrow there should be a few million dropped.

2 new slots!

Currently rank 86, masteries +69.
We got 3k+ keys last week!

Same requirements. Post here, pm or talk in chat 001.

Get in before reset, last Monday was spectacular with over 1000 gems and keys. Plus, the people are fantastic and helpful :smiley:

Get in before reset! XD

I’m saving up my gold for those new members. Consider it as welcome gift.

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Invate me. Level 272. DAVIDOS

Hi I would like to join your guild.