The good thing is, if you fix some of the things like the insanely high cost for the mythic, losing VP, asking too much of players to earn season rewards, unrewarding stuff in the burning chests (which is everything except for souls - yes, all of it, even gold marks), almost all of the people who are already happy will be even happier.
A few may be mad that some people may now get things easier - but you can ignore those who think solely about themselves and don’t want others to have anything.
Basically nothing to lose in terms of making players happier.
Now you may think “sure, but what about making money?”
My main reason - that I have heard others echo - for not buying the pvp pass is that it is way too much work for things that could be very unrewarding.
Example, my burning chests. I had between 10 and 15, and I got only 2x souls. The rest was 5 icons (if I haven’t forgotten one), and at least 4x gold marks. That’s such a slap in the face and I’m not one for paying to be slapped. In fact, I don’t want to be slapped at all.
20 gold marks are insignificant to me, I can farm VP (icons), and also silver marks.
I’d more inclined to buy it if
A) it was more reasonable for the average player to finish
B) burning chests would only give immortal souls (half the amount of you think we’d get too much otherwise)
The mythics should cost silver marks.
Make it 5k for all I care. That’s something that will make people who really want it engage with pvp but it will be something that can be earned.
You won’t lose sales, I’m sure, as the whales will just invest in books.