Immortals Sweepstakes!

Only because you don’t really play. Beside Stella wand and takshaka there are no troops to be afraid of. This mythic is a joke which can’t self loop and has pathetic traits. He’s a abomination of 2018 playstyle.


Isn’t it, like, way too early to be looking at PvP engagement as a metric for success of this release? We are still only in the third day of the season, which has been the only period since the release last week that there’s been anything new to do in PvP.

Yes, I’m sure PvP engagement is up; mine certainly is. Players are kicking the tires of the new features; players are box-rushing the lower tiers of the Season Pass and Season Goals to start acquiring their first few Immortals; players are trying to regain the VP-gated features – Alliance rank, Alliance chat, PvP shop purchase requirements – that they lost when the season reset their VP back to zero.

But: the season is 11 weeks, not 3 days; a marathon, not a sprint. Players are already starting to feeling like they are being forced into playing PvP by the Season Pass tiers and Season Goal tasks.

I worry, greatly, that you are trading off increased PvP engagement in the short term for increased burnout and attrition in the medium to long term.

I feel we are already starting to see rumblings of this from guild leaders: that they are finding it harder to retain high-level players, that some players are looking at 8.0, seeing a high ongoing PvP workload, and nope-ing right out of the game.

(Case in point: you just lost genkicoll.)


I think you need to change the currency from 2500 Gold Marks to 2500 Silver Marks.

Problem solved. Because that’s what it is worth it in the current state right now.


5000 silver marks and call it a day

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I agree with you, but I actually don’t think it needs to be halved. We get screwed over the moment immortals reach level 30 and we start getting refunded 1/5 of our resources for pulls instead of making any kind of progress.


This is an average mythic. Even the other mythics in suncrest are better and very similar, so this wouldn’t start a new meta at all. This mythic is not even unique on its own. This troop is not even close to being worth 2500 gold marks. More like 2500 silver marks. These PvP mythics should cost silver marks, since we have no other reason to farm lanterns for silver marks in PvP.


This feels awfully like trying to pretend people love this update by coercing us into participating. Given I haven’t scored a mythic in months (not even a rubbish one or a duplicate of a rubbish one) and keep getting the same dragon in spite of investing untold hours in the game in the past 6 months or so, I’m not taking the bait. The effort to reward ratio in this game is utterly abysmal unless one is extremely lucky. It took me over 1 and a half years to get Diamantina.


It would have been a great troop several years ago, somewhat similar to Phoenicia. Looking at today, Kukulkan deals double damage, provided there is a storm active. Gem/cosmic dragons come with a built-in damage multiplier that far exceeds double damage, possibly get an extra turn and have far more useful traits. And you can easily get a (random) one at any time from the forge, for 500 dragonite, which takes a week to collect if you are desperate.

There simply isn’t any reason to own Kukulkan, except for collection purposes and possibly for events with very punishing troop limitations. Whoever owns 2500 gold marks is very, very far beyond the point where they would ever field that troop. It might be somewhat useful for beginner players that haven’t unlocked forge level 11 for dragon egg crafting yet, provided that the cost gets changed from 2500 gold marks to 2500 silver marks. That’s still roughly 1000 PvP battles, but at least something that can be farmed by anyone willing to invest that much effort.


Genkicoll was in my guild and she is not the only player we lost!

We lost 4 players over the pvp update(s)
And more might follow, I am burned out on this game too.
But I stay for the guild and the friendships there, at least for now.

By the time we get guild wars back, there will be many guilds that don’t have a full house anymore.

To me it feels this game is being tanked fast, sadly.

To me it also feels it was a HUGE mistake to put all time and resources into PVP development.

The moment it became clear that the database used for pvp was linked with the one that guild wars used, making guild wars impossible/completely broken they should have halted everything and restore guild wars as soon as possible!

Whether @Kafka acknowledge this or not, guilds are bleeding members!
This is a HUGE problem.


Im really curious where the positive feed back is coming from

Probably the devs themselves

It is beyond sad to see so many players leave… many of them content creator. I can name few of many that I remember: Keylime, LootWizard, Relle, Hawks, Genki and others. Sorry if I forgot to mention other names.

On top of that there are also, guild leaders who left. They also impacted the game and their guilds.

This might or could have been avoided if the Devs. listen to what we were requesting and telling them where to improve instead of wasting their time and resources on things that make players hate the game and leave.


I’ll most likely play just enough PvP to get the 2 new achievements on Xbox and then stop. Getting an Immortal to level 10 without spending real money though is most likely going to be a chore and just yet another boring grind.

I am still trying to get that stupid horde mimic for that Xbox achievement the devs blocked behind 3 consecutive levels of RNG. 2+ years and i’ve gotten the battle 29 times and not once have I gotten the troop. The RNG on this needs to be reworked or you should change the achievement requirements to getting the horde mimic battle and not the troop. Or make the troop craftable in the Soul Forge so you can earn the achievement that way. Its a useless troop anyway that no one uses.

Just playing this game is basically a full time job if you are trying to get anything or make any sort of progression. This is not rewarding gameplay and the pricing structure on literally everything is outrageous. I do not see the value in anything in the shops at the current real dollar prices. Especially with the obscene amount of Premium passes this games has now. Cut all those prices by 90% and then i’d probably spend money, but $15 for a pass, $30 for 300 immortal souls for Glaycion is highway robbery. It has to be getting to the point where even the “whale” players must be thinking that there are other games to spend their money on.


@Kafka i strongly suggest you consider removing silver marks from the burning chest reward pool. You dont “have” to have something useless in there to screw your players over if they get bad rng.


someone is.

please send help.


well, kafka, i’m fairly happy w the game. because i have stopped playing pvp altogether. your last 3-4 updates made that possible. i no longer have to worry about guild wars, and the mess you have made of the pvp system has gotten so irredeemably convoluted that i feel no motivation to even do ANY battles a week.

didn’t bother to join an alliance, but now i know if i want to i can just jump into the one like 90% of other users joined.
so, if and when i get my kingdoms leveled for books to be needed, i will join that dark alliance, do whatever pvp i want to get marks to buy books of deeds, use that to fill out my achievements and maybe possibly perhaps think about getting the pvp mythics too.

but since i still can’t get any boss dragon mythics, i’m not caring too much about immortal mythics.

you have overburdened the game so much you have made me happy because i no longer feel thee need to play it so much. there’s your positive feedback for ya! yiu are welcome.


it did.

next time use a coaster


Yeah true. I was only considering the fact that we’re supposed to get souls roughly 50% of the time.

Of course RNG is going to get even worse over time when we can expect to draw souls for already maxed Immortals for a very minimal return.

I didnt think about that. Once you hit 30 you will start getting duplicate souls. Its stellarix and dupe dragons all over again only 11 times worse

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That’s definitely not playing out for me. After 25ish chests, I have Glaycia and 3 other troops, none of which are leveled beyond 1st trait.

Yes, but contrary to duplicate dragons, excess souls will get converted back into burning marks. The rate isn’t too compelling, but it’s still better than a handful of souls, like it is for gem and cosmic dragons.

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