Immortals Sweepstakes!

Yeah, not for me either. About 1/2 to 1/3 of my chests have been idols. :roll_eyes: I only had souls 2x.

Okay, shame on you!
You are lying over and over again or at least pretend here to believe what comes out of your mouth.
But I can clearly see, that you have no clue about economics, you can’t see the trend here?
And you don’t believe people here on forum or discord servers that guilds are loosing members?
Oh, forgot to mention the 505/Digital Bros. financial report:
GoW lost almost a million Euro from March 2023 to March 2024!


That is my issue as well. I spent all of that time earning silver and gold marks and now I can’t progress and buy things because everything has been reset? How is it fair or even reasonable people can’t use their own resources? Thats why players are engaging PVP. They literally have no choice. Either you gain back your VP points or your marks sit there unable to be used


Which is why they see increased activity in PVP.


I’ve been playing the game for over 4 years now and I have a good friend who has been playing a little longer than I have. This friend created a You Tube channel devoted to GoW, created a Discord channel devoted to GoW. Yesterday this friend posted the last You Tube feed on the game and deleted the program from their computer. The main reason: the latest update.

I’m pretty sure this person never posted in the forums here or sent an email to the devs (even though they were at one time a beta tester). They just deleted the program. @Kafka you and the devs are totally ignoring the people who don’t say anything to you but just quit. Of course, you are also totally ignoring players who have been with you for years, so I’m not surprised.

I looked at the new update. I can’t even get gold marks until I’ve accumulated 1500 VP. That’s a lot of games with no reward at all. Then I can’t buy anything in the shop until I’ve got 20,000VP. Then, of course, there is only one this (well, maybe two) that I’d spend gold marks on: deeds. I really don’t understand why someone would spend 2500 GM on a troop, but someone in my guild did. They are a completionist. For me, even if I could buy it (don’t have 20K VP or the GM), I wouldn’t. But that’s just me.

As for playing more in the game to get the burning marks to get the Immortals - I’m taking a hard pass. I’ve played GoW for over 4 years and watched it go downhill with every buggy update and every ignored problem. While I’m still playing some, I’ve made a list of what I need to do each day and I’m doing that. Underspire doesn’t make the cut. If I get desperate, I might play it, but I doubt it.

For those who think they have to play PvP to stay up with their guild, well, I’d take a hard look at what you need to do to keep your guild in a good place. I’m pretty sure you’re going to find mindlessly grinding in PvP isn’t that important, especially considering the lack of rewards. I’ll be honest: I’ve had 10 of the whatever-they-are used to play monoliths setting in my account almost since they first came out. I’ve play 1 or maybe 2 monoliths. I was under impressed. Play massive amounts of monoliths to get the chance to get an Immortal troop? Hard pass. I have a better chance of winning a billion dollar lottery which is just about zero.

So I’m not going to increase my playing in PvP. I’m sticking with what I can stand of GoW because I’ve got too much time and money (I used to spend real money in GoW but I don’t any more) invested in the game to just stop. However if the game keeps going on it’s current trajectory, I might change my mind.

Now about the Immortal sweepstakes: I got to the point where it wanted my login information to Steam and I couldn’t shut the tab down fast enough. That’s a scam. Would you give out your bank login information to a sweepstakes? Well, this is a close second. Game name and email, okay. Anything else isn’t needed for any legitimate reason. Your sweepstakes screams scam to me, but that’s just me. Some members of my guild signed up for it and others felt like I did. Do whatever makes you comfortable.

Oh, and by the way: when (not if) I decide to quit GoW, I won’t post on the forum. Well, probably not. It would depend on how mad I was. If I was really (fill in the blank) then I probably would. More likely, I’d rant to my guild and then just delete the program. The people just quietly deleting the program are the ones you need to worry about. They are ones you don’t stand a chance of keeping and, what’s worse, you don’t care.


Just to clarify, Steam does not share your login details with Gleam. The information you will be sharing should be shown when you log in, such as public profile information and time spent playing games. This is similar to when you link a third-party account to your Google account, for example. This is explicitly stated on Gleam’s privacy page and is an extremely common practice.

I imagine Gleam sells your data, but nothing as compromising as login details, and certainly nothing akin to banking information. Of course, it’s still up to the individual whether they want their details shared and sold, even if it’s not all that personal.

Edit: Upon further investigation, Gleam does claim to not sell/share your data. Whether or not you trust that statement is of course up to you!

Just to add to this, they are planning to add a new immortal each season. So, the pool will keep increasing, meanwhile you might be getting certain immortals to max. So, the odds of getting any particular immortal will keep getting worse as time goes by, and the odds of any souls received being for an already maxed immortal (and thus turned back into burning marks at a low exchange rate) will go up as you max each one.
So, if you play a lot, the odds of wasted burning marks will get higher and higher, but if you only play a little, it’ll get lower (but it does take far longer to level anything up). I guess there’s an ideal point where you play enough to keep your odds good but still get rewarded, maybe.


Great post :+1:t2: Interesting to see the lost revenue. You would have thought they’d have realised they have been doing something wrong after that…


I totally agree, couldn’t have said it any better!

Super post.

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You do realize only a minority of vocal few people post on this forum? In my guild the PVP update has been received very positively, no complaints. Generally they feel the new troops are fun and are happy new goals are achievable. Everyone is playing happily, several have 100 000+ VP this week. I am also the only member that ever posts here…the others do not like the forum and some find it toxic. So there you go. Oh and it is a top guild…Rank 26 in the game.


I’d wager your lot is a minority.

By being positive you don’t counter any of arguments rised here. Yeah sure new content is fun and why not. Still, ask them direct questions about the things mentioned over the replies here. About being destroyed by paid lvl27 immortal in fey region with 1 cast only. About inability to get your own lvl27 immortal by 2026. I wonder if they find that fun as well.


I mean its easy. Pay 15 bucks lol. >_<

milk a dead cow to the last liter :scream:


I skimmed through. Is it in-game name or player invite code you need to enter?

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It collects your email address so it probably doesn’t matter much anyway.

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Immoral cheapskates


Yes just in game name and bank details

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Don’t forget about your credit card number and mother’s maiden name.