Immortals Sweepstakes!

Playing pvp and enjoying it are not even close to the same thing. I’ve been playing a LOT of pvp. And I have been absolutely loathing every minute of it. So why am I playing a mode that I despise with the heat of 1 billion suns?

  1. Because I want to have enough experience with the mode to give meaningful feedback. Although, it’s starting to feel stupid to bother. :roll_eyes:
  2. As a guild leader, I like to be able to answer everyone’s questions about the game. So when changes happen, I engage quickly and in quantity, until I feel I know everything to know.
  3. As a collector/completionist - type, it’s FOMO-bait.

After playing way way way too much pvp and still having not that much to show for it… I’ve decided I simply won’t live long enough to even pretend I can complete anything. That’s the trick, you see. Make a system that can’t really be completed but feels like it can be. But this pvp just smacks you in the head with the reality that it’s a hamster wheel to nowhere… So I guess the good news is that I’m now FOMO-bait proof.


  1. We need to earn back our VP we lost to spend our marks and use alliance chat etc. So of course engagement is up.

In my guild, everyone hates 8.0 more than I do. That’s a lot considering I am not a fan. My guildmates also do not post on the forums. :woman_shrugging:


Same here. Am mostly just angrily playing PvP now to get things done so that won’t have to deal with it as much anymore.

Only seen 1 not related to IP2 person praise this update and it’s a crypto account on twitter. In the guild, the chat, twitter and here on the forums the majority is just negative and feeling forced to do something we don’t like but have to otherwise will miss out on some very strong troops.


And the idea that we have to get 800k vp per season to get all the rewards is just insane


And it doesn’t help that some of the season goals seem to require you to play almost every day for the whole 11 weeks of the season, otherwise time gating prevents you from completing them. What’s next, having to collect at least 20 tributes each day?


Yeah, this. I’m playing a lot of PvP at the moment, to unlock access and to bank some tiers in the season pass, so I can play less later. But I’m seeing that some of the goals really need players to “engage” with the mode every day. (Screw that!)
I don’t know if it’s possible to finish all the goals without spending, but if it is, you definitely need to play huge amounts. I’m wanting to try and complete a bunch of them, but it’s just annoying me seeing them. The values are way too high for most people, and the rewards are way to low to justify spending to meet the goals. If I miss them, so be it, but I’m not going to keep my current pace up for long. And I bet we’ll see a big drop-off soon, as players either reach whatever they were aiming for, or decide they can’t be bothered to keep trying (especially if they realise it isn’t possible).
Like the high ranks in alliance. It’s obvious I’ll never play enough to earn the top ranks, and if I did, it wouldn’t be until the very end of the season, when it won’t give any reward. So I might as well not bother looking at it, and just ignore it. Alliance ranks are worthless to me now, since the latest update.



At any point in development are the metrics of how much an average player utilizes Gems of War a day and how much time guild events and individual events take considered at all?
Or is the strategy to be attractive to your hardcore gamers only?
Or, are players supposed to choose between doing guild events or individual events due to not having time for both?

I’m not opposed to spending money on the game. But I am opposed to spending more money but then being forced to spend more time due to the investment.

My thoughts are to campaign passes or other things I use to pay for but don’t any longer. Nothing could convince me to buy the PvP season pass. That thing is pure trash. I just want to be able to support keeping the lights on without it being pure charity.


Perhaps we should unite our friends in the guild and on discord who are not on the forum to stop logging into the game. Because among all the players we know, no one likes this update, especially since they need to regain 80W VP every season and 2500 gold marks to exchange for a useless mythic troop.Perhaps this can make the Devs team realize how much we really dislike this update.
We only type complaints without actually doing anything, trying to solve problems in the easiest way.They don’t care.

Let’s calculate. You will need to obtain 800,000 VP in 11 weeks, or 72,728 VP every week. This is absurd. I think the weekly maximum should be 20,000 VP (220,000 VP). Even better, I would round it up to 200,000 VP per season.

How can the developers be that blind? This is not a job; this is a game to have fun.


Don’t forget the really intelligent part of also locking everyone out of the alliance chat until you grind all the way back up the vp tower.


Whats the 800k for anywahs

800k for reaching the highest rank in the alliance (and getting 5 gold marks daily).

And in fact, you have to do more than 72 728 VP every week, if you want to actually take advantage of that last rank :rofl: for more than a day or two.


Sincerely, that’s all a joke. Overpriced goals to achieve. I’m pretending these troops barely exists.

Lol wow. Yeah thay aint worth it. Im shooting for the 560k. Thatll get my glacyia to 20

I did the 180k vp last week and will now just do bare minimum until next season. The silver marks in burning chests is outrageous and should be taken out.


and it is just a silly idea.
it is against devs’ own economics as new players can buy campaign task and get all goals done in the last week (if you have the time, lol).
but that isn’t possible for the pvp goals :man_facepalming:
btw, new players anyway can’t defeat monolith battle 5


I wonder who won and if we met the milestone for rewards for everyone?!?!?!

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