Immortals Sweepstakes!

Originally published at: Immortals Sweepstakes! – Gems of War

Gather around to celebrate the launch of the Gems of War 8.0 Update and the introduction of Immortals!  In honor of the major impact this exciting feature will make to Gem Warfare, we’re giving away a bunch of awesome loot for a few lucky adventurers. Grand Prize Winners (X3): 210 Immortal souls of featured immortal (Glaycia).…

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Hope this is taken as Feedback and not a Callout:

Cringe and arguably Disrespectful of how the playerbase has been screaming their feedback about this (and many recent) update.

Will not be clicking on your link.


Why do we have to give our data to Are you trying to make money by having users sign up to this site? If it’s your offer, do it on your site, without selling our credentials.
If tomorrow the site is hacked, will you take responsibility for any wrongdoing?I hope you cancel this lottery made only to make money at the expense of unaware users


this feels… gross

Is the game on such hard times that everyone can’t celebrate the 8.0 update by gifting everyone a brand new made up currency for a never ending system?


Wow this is beyond shameful.



Um: guys? You set the wrong game name on the campaign emails.

You did dry-run this first, right? Right?


I am sorry, but this is baffling.
After reading this news, “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” story came to my mind.


Marvels Rivals :hugs:

Big, big down vote on this.

Not signing up on another site.


Appalled again


Well, thanks for taking the effort. Since you seem to be inexperienced in this, some feedback from my side.

1.) isn’t exactly popular, due to the data they collect and sell. I avoid all sweepstakes hosted on their site, even when it’s for “AAA steam keys”. I seem to recall some poll feature supposedly integrated into the game quite a few updates ago, couldn’t you rather use that instead?

2.) Submit the “In Game Name”? Not the invite code? Are you sure you’ll be able to match that to an account? This feels like a lot of winners might actually not receive anything, because they can’t be identified.


3.) Please don’t take this the wrong way, but someone on your side should really learn a bit about the value of your various currencies. Like, those 8 diamonds we recently received from the 8.0 countdown calendar? It’s similar to handing out a tenth of a penny. Even when saving for a long time to eventually end up with a whole penny, that still won’t buy anything at the store.

Those “10 IMMORTAL SOULS TO EVERYONE!!!”, provided we do enough marketing for you, are on a similar level. This feels quite underwhelming, considering all the capitalization in the announcement. A single Immortal needs 2560 souls, there are currently 10 of them, with more to come. I don’t want to sound entitled, but if you are running an event supposed to feel special, maybe consider also handing out rewards that feel special?


Hey, its 10 for everyone! Multiply and you will see how generous devs are!


Well, 9.9 million of the 10 million accounts no longer seem to be active. Maybe they could distribute the souls from the accounts that don’t collect to the accounts that do? :smirk:


acording to steamcharts it is


Wow, guys, wow! Really!?

Not even mentioning the basic fact that everything regarding 8.0 content is seriously overpriced as hell (unless you’re some oligarch from some aggressive state),

you seriously expect me to give my information to some shady third party site?
you seriously expect me to promote your slot machine (which only gives out 26 “prizes” that are, basically, worth nothing)?

With all due respect - you can take it and do the appropriate thing with it.


So when all those players gave you the negative feedback of this game is becoming too much like a lottery this is what you do in reaction to it?

No wonder you created an anonymous poster for the forums. I wouldn’t want my name attached to this post either.


There, I fixed it for you. (joke has been done many times already, but feel l feels extra relevant to this “idea”.)


You guys are totally tone deaf. You’ve not given us a peep about how unpopular this is. Just “hey aren’t you guys excited!?”

Respectfully, take your excitement and shove it.




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So, to be clear. We’re all annoyed at how bad this update is, we’re all pointing out the many bugs this update has, we’re having to convince you that the terrible bugs actually need attention, and we’re complaining that you’re leaning into RNG and “lottery” mechanics too much.
And you offer us an actual lottery. In return for giving away our data for free, so you can profit off of it. And you DON’T MENTION IT IN THE GAME, yet again. And you want US to market it for you. And in return, you offer a handful of rewards that might never reach any player at all, and a miserly amount of currency if we trick a bunch of people into agreeing to your terrible terms.
Nah, keep your rubbish rewards. I’d rather spend my energy telling players to steer well clear of this latest insult.

Perhaps now might be a good time to start restoring some of the goodwill from players that you’ve squandered. Send an IN-GAME mail, giving everyone 50 immortal souls (that’s literally just one burning chest, but it would be a start) and tell them to check out this sweepstake, if you want it marketed. And start actually listening to players, for a change. Because this is appalling.


I use 1 set of alt accounts for Gleam. Email, Twitter, Discord, etc. all tied together so I didn’t mind signing up for this. Sorry you won’t be getting any additional exposure from those accounts with 0 followers or activity, but I also value my privacy.

Welp, I put invite code out of habit. :expressionless:

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