Immortals Sweepstakes!

I vaguely recall someone saying Sirrian worked on Marvel Puzzle Quest before joining GoW. Is this true? Does seem like more than a coincidence that the MPQ name is on the banner for this drawing.

Yes: marvel puzzle quest - Google Search

But really the link is that they’re both published by 505; and I suspect the oopsie here is that they re-used 505’s client account for this GoW campaign but forgot to change the branding on it away from a previous MPQ campaign.


Thanks for providing the connection.

Btw, for those who actually bother to click on this Sweepstakes link, entries are awarded based on certain actions we perform - e.g. joining the GoW Facebook Community. One of the actions requires downloading the game. Which makes me wonder, will ANYONE actually open this link that hasn’t already downloaded the game? :roll_eyes:



Nope! Not clicking your link. Keep your so called prizes


console player here

thankfully, you dont actually have to download the game.

the play 1 hr on steam part though on the other hand…

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210? Who came up with this number? :man_shrugging:


Nunca vi algo igual … que pateticos.


The silence of the debs on all this stuff save for trying to pimp it is telling


Right? Could have been 505. Major missed opportunity.

I don’t know if I can support a company that misses the obvious like that.


Just checked the level upgrade to see what level it would take an immortal to, in case that made sense, but 210 souls would raise an unowned immortal to level 6.
So, I have no idea why they picked such a random number, I guess.

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It’s almost like something randomly generated the numbers here. Maybe the same something that designs new troops.

On topic: this whole thing is really strange and seems like a sad direction for the game.


Not sure whats worse the way the game is heading or all your salty feedback…

So I just noticed this: that closing date is not what the campaign is configured to:


and clicking on “Terms and Conditions” down at the bottom:


(And “begins at on” and “ends at on” is weird here too…)


Hey all,

Thanks for pointing out the Marvel Puzzle Quest email - this has been corrected to say 505 Games.
This is the first time we’ve run a Gleam for a game other than Marvel Puzzle Quest so, growing pains :sweat_smile: they asked me to say thanks for pointing this out.

About Marvel Puzzle Quest, this game is owned by 505 Games and Sirrian is the creator of Puzzle Quest even if he’s not actively involved on that project, his focus is Puzzle Quest 3 and Gems of War. 505 Games is Infinity Plus Two’s parent company - which is how we get the Marvel PQ, 505 Games, GoW, IP2 combo. IP2 don’t work on Marvel PQ.

I’m enquiring about the end date as well.

Regarding the feedback about the Gleam Sweepstakes I’ll pass that on for future consideration as well. I apologise for not pre-emptively picking up on the vibe it might give off, I was focusing more on the fact that it’s common for games to give away little rewards for engaging with the games’ social media and didn’t think about how that differs from a sweepstake on a 3rd party website, we were just a bit hyped to give stuff away and as Marvel Puzzle Quest does this we thought we’d open one for Gems of War as well to see how it went.

I appreciate the feedback thanks!

UPDATE: Officially the end date for the sweepstake is the 2nd of August, but that is a Friday so lowkey it’s staying open over the weekend for any last minute entries and the prizes will be organised after the weekend :slight_smile:

I’ll fix the typo in the blog, it should say the 2nd.


These numbers looked very wrong to me so I checked them and the numbers you shared are concurrent users (highest number of players online at the same time), not active users, which can be broken down into Daily Active Users, Weekly Active Users, Monthly Active Users… The DAU and Weekly active users for Steam are much higher than this.

The recent numbers are also affected by the Microsoft/Crowdstrike issue that happened last week as well.


The devs have a much bigger problem on their hands right now: Nobody likes this update. It’s a disaster. I’ve never seen the forum so united. You guys made a big mistake.

But I’m guessing enough people are spending money that you don’t really care what we think about it, seeing as its been absolute radio silence on the displeasure.


We care, I did a verbal feedback report this morning. A full written report is due tomorrow.

Currently feedback is mixed. Here on the forum it’s mostly negative and I have shared that as you all provide in depth feedback that is very useful, but we are also getting positive feedback and our installs and engagement with PVP have increased as well.

We’ve been given some really helpful and good feedback which the team will definitely take the time to consider and I think they’re open to a bunch of it.

We also understand that a lot of players are over all the recent focus on PVP, but we’ll be shifting our focus to other things soon :slight_smile: Guild Wars is still scheduled for this year, and then onto other things after that (although I’m not sure what is planned for after Guild Wars yet myself).


Yeah your engagement with pvp has increased because you FORCED it to. “Engagement” doesn’t mean “good” all the time. I “Engage” with pvp because I HAVE to for the best rewards int eh game. It’s a CHORE for me. I don’t want to have to do hundreds of pvp battles but I HAVE to to get top three. And now we have to do even MORE because of the season.

So I’m guessing you are just going to ignore the OVERWHELMINGLY negative feedback you are getting here for the “positive feedback” and “engagement.” I can tell you that in my guild it is almost universally disliked. I don’t know where your positive feedback is coming from but it ain’t here, and it ain’t my guild. This is the worst update you guys have ever put out, and its not even CLOSE.

Ignore the negative feedback at the game’s peril. In fact your response here leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It smacks of what EA did with Battlefront 2 with “pride and accomplishment.” Its tone deaf.


Yeah your engagement with pvp has increased because you FORCED it to.

There are a lot of factors that are taken into account when analysing all the data.
A couple of them are: increased engagement because of a new update releasing.
People playing for the rewards while also having negtaive feedback about the game mode/feature/content.

It’s complicated.

Please assume that there’s a lot going on behind each post, I also assume there’s a lot more going on that each of your posts - text is hard even in a more long form platform like a web forum :sweat_smile: