Immortals Sweepstakes!

You are aware that if a person is happy, 9 out of 10 times they will just keep playing and stay silent? That’s how people work. Unhappy people will come and shout their unhappiness from the mountain, happy people will just continue doing what makes them happy… also, there’s constructive feedback, and there’s “the game is going downhill” “feedback” - the second type doesn’t help anyone, and we have a ton of it with every single update, sometimes before even people see the stuff live.


I can tell you that my “engagement” is entirely forced. I wish I could just do my 22 battles for the week and call it a day like old times. I don’t want to do hundreds of pvp battles. I’m forced to. You’ve made PVP a chore.

its really not complicated.


Be sure to title the report H8te.0 update.

By mixed you mean negative verbal feedback. Negative actionable feedback due to uninstalls leading up to the update and after. Meanwhile yes people are checking out the shiny new thing and playing PvP just you get back the points that hate.0 took from them.

Locking folks out of buying things with the resources you’re trying to monetize is baffling to me. A one time entry lock to the PVP shop I guess is reasonable. But doing it every season is like a retailer telling me I have to constantly “earn” the privilege to give them money.

That is just the tip of the iceberg but also the easiest to fix.


Yeah I got no clue where this “positive feedback” is coming from. Reviews on the app store maybe?


Agreed, there’s a LOT to consider and factor in but when you’re doing the work it’s not really complicated but what I was trying to say is that each of my posts doesn’t encapsulate the full picture - it can’t possibly.

I understand what you’re saying and I have made sure your feedback and players like you who have similar feedback are also represented in everything I report.


This is a game. It’s supposed to be fun. If a given mode is not fun - why do you play it? Is anyone forcing you? Nobody is sitting next to you and threatening that you must play it or else. Yes, there are rewards for doing it, but they are there for each and every single game mode too! For my entire time with the game, I’ve seen people skip entire game modes - delves, PvP, Arena, Bounty, Underspire, even Vault & GAPs- to each their own. Nobody is forcing you to do anything, you’re forcing yourself to do it.


Totally understand if you can’t share this publicly, but I’m super curious how mobile users compare to Steam users. Seems like there would be a ton more mobile users.

Echoing this! FOMO is real and used very intentionally by companies. Fight the FOMO, play at your own pace :smile:


Yeah I’d just ask you to consider how much of a chore the devs have made this game. HUNDREDS of pvp battles a week? In addition to everything else? This game is not meant to be a job.

The choices the dev team have made as of late are just baffling, and do not bode well for this game’s future despite any boost you may have gotten from a “shiny” update.

Then just wait for the firestorm that will come when level 20 immortals start filtering their way into the pvp defense zones…Pvp is going to be even MORE of a chore.

The whole thing has left a sour taste in my mouth. I’ve been playing for, a very very long time. I dont remember how many years exactly but I came in when divines were the meta. If I didn’t play this game while I excercise I’d uninstall it right now. That and my guild are the only thing that keep me here. You guys have done everything possible to try to push me away.


Spot on, I spent 95% of my time reporting on the feedback that came from players who weren’t happy with the update because I got so little actual info from the players who are enjoying it lol.

Even when they post they like something it’s usually less than a one liner with nothing I can actually use in it.

Happy people don’t talk too much about what made them happy. So I can know we have positive feedback but I don’t have a lot of info on what it is they actually like exactly.

Unhappy people will either just quit or they’ll tell you why they’re unhappy so that is incredibly helpful in improving things.

Regardless of positive or negative the WHAT and WHY is always so important.

So if I say the feedback is mixed, don’t get me wrong - that doesn’t mean I’m over representing one side and not the other - I give what info I have and that info usually comes from the players who aren’t happy because you actually talk with us about it!


That’s an incredibly disingenuous argument. Yeah, sure, no one forces anyone to play a game. But games that have social ties, like this one, are more complicated than that.

People will continue to do things that aren’t otherwise fun because they value other things that go along with it. Maybe it’s that there are other game modes they do like and they want the rewards to be applied to that mode. Or maybe it’s that they don’t want to give up their in-game friendships.

I have heard SO MANY TIMES over the last few days that if not for the guild someone is in, they would have quit already. And that this latest calamity may yet still be the end. This game went from Pay to get ahead a little faster to absolute Pay to Win with this last update. It’s gross. I’m beyond disgusted.


People are united on the forums for various reasons because of the injustice seen in this circus act that shouldn’t even be called pvp which include:

  1. Losing the VP players earned for allegiance rank should have never been removed. We kept our loyalty days, and we deserve to get our VP back. This is why some players quit, and you guys need to be more considerate in the future.

  2. The season goals are a joke because they offer little reward to the amount of time you have to invest. We also are speculating some of them (like guardian and monolith battles) require you to pay for extra battles, which is frustrating. These season goals need to offer more rewards and need to be easier to accomplish.

  3. Kind of a dark horse, but Kukulkan in the pvp shop for 2,500 gold marks is ridiculous. What made you guys think that this mythic was worth 25 deed books? I know that this dragon goes along with the season of ice theme, but the pricing of this mythic shows how out of touch you guys are with the game.

  4. Burning chests. Absolutely ridiculous. Simply put, these should be just like shiny keys and there should only be immortal tokens in the drop pool. (Let’s say the percentages should be 50% for 10, 25% for 20, 25% for 50). Since burning marks are so limited, people don’t want resources they can get elsewhere if they want to.

The pvp rework is far too intensive, causing players to get stressed and burned out, and is cooking up chaos everywhere…


Yup and I just said that, my guild keeps me here. Not the game. PVP currently has the best rewards, so if I want to stay at the top of my game, and help my guild the most, thats what I need to do.

And on top of the pvp I still do the guild events. I flat out skip underspire (awful mode by the way. Just a total grind that should have potions to lessen it like every other event mode does) delves (mostly done anyways) and bounties (BORING and outdated. despite the good rewards, I’d rather claw my eyes out than play bounty.)


You expect players to believe “you got this” behind the scenes, while consistently demonstrating being out of touch with the playerbase (and sometimes even the game basics, see a recent report where a mod claimed all PvP attack teams are supposed to be cleared out upon restarting the game ( [Not a bug] Ossifer team is not saved - #9 by Bramble )

Same issue has been brought up for years, and instead we get censored and told that we are having fun with RNG.

:person_shrugging: :vulcan_salute:


I’d add to it how insulting it is to get SILVER marks from burning chests. These might as well be minor traitstones.

And also, the fact that if we take a monolith to 5 (and i’m going to yell this for those down in front) WE GET 3 (THREE!!!) XP FOR THE BATTLE MEANING WE DON’T LEVEL WHILE WE PVP. THIS BUG HAS BEEN HERE FOR A LONG TIME AND NOW YOU GUYS REQUIRE MONOLITHS!

So instead of fixing a huge pvp bug the devs rushed to push out a new season pass.


Next time I bump my shin on the coffee table I’m going to report it as a mixed review. Because to be fair, the coffee table stayed silent so it’s possible it enjoyed the experience of inflicting pain upon me.


This update had a lot of incredible potential. The Immortals idea was actually a solid one. The idea of having troops that you could have right away but that would take even a few years to level, was a good one. It was just implemented so, SO badly. The troops aren’t balanced, which, inexplicably, is the least of their problems.

Those new PVP season goals are OBSCENE in terms of time required to complete them. You knew that before you released it - you had to have. Surely someone did the math to see that asking people to reach Monolith Level 5 a fleet of times was horrible when you’ve limited the number of monolith battles that can be done every day - and you didn’t even do us the courtesy to let those sigils roll over from day to day.

Taking away everyone’s access to the PVP shop was - honestly - kind of mean. It created this Sisyphean task for us to buy back the right to purchase from your shop.

Making it so that those troops are only available to upgrade via PVP - awful decision unless you keep them entirely out of PVE. But you didn’t do that either.

Oh, and silver marks aren’t a reward. Putting them in those hard to get chests is insulting.

There are so many other things but I’m just too disappointed to continue. I really respect you as a person, Kafka. But this company. Man, I just can’t.


And don’t forget. @Kafka taking a monolith to 5 results in you getting 3 XP from pvp battles, stopping your leveling.


Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s my guild that has kept me playing for all these years, once I finally found my forever home. But again, you are giving in to FOMO if you think that not having troop X, Y, or Z that’s the current flavour of the PvP season / campaign / whatever other event there is at the moment is going to destroy your chances at helping your guild. In a collecting game like GoW, where it takes many years at this point to get the full collection unless you’ve been playing nearly since the start, this is a very unhealthy attitude to have - you don’t have to have a single mythic and you can still contribute to your guild in a meaningful way. Even if the guild is competitive.

The devs create all these methods and ways for players to get caught in the trap of “I need to play more than I do”, but it is up to the players to say “no, I won’t do that, I value my activities outside GoW more, I’ll play as much as I played until now, thank you very much”.

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The main questions I have about this point:

  1. Is it that you think Kukulkan is a good troop but no mythic is worth 2,500 Gold Marks?
  2. Do you think it’s not a good Troop which makes the cost more outlandish?

Taking off my dev hat for a mo:
I look at Kukulkan and think it could end up central to a new meta, so while the cost is high it makes sense to me, it would be nasty to come across in an opponent’s team to me I think.


ngl I laughed so hard at this and I’m putting it in my memory bank and using it on anyone I encounter trying to dismiss negative feedback in future :joy: it really drives the point home in a very relatable way :joy: