Updates on the List of Improvements: (last update- 28 Jan. 2025)
Improvement list:
1. More options to resolve the lack of deeds and books
The new PVP edition sort helps to get random books.
2. Offers that help player progression (promised a long time ago)
3. Target a specific dragon boss’s crafting
In the Soulforge, you can craft a dragon boss, they are on rotation basis
4. Improve Treasure Hunt mode (promised a long time ago)
5. Improve Arena again.
6. Team-specific class building with team-specific equipped medals
7. Treasure map for better utilization
8. Increase the Soulforge pool to 8 troops instead of 4 troops per rarity.
9. Fix the missing artwork on some troops.
Fixed - Great Job
10. Quality assurance of a new product or new items before releasing them.
11. Having a way to monitor game functioning while the office is closed (weekends or holidays)
No solution offered.
12. Better ways to communicate with developers, submit feedback, support requests, and other account issues.
Still no proper progress or fix yet
13. Place a visual clock timer during Gnome a Palooza to enable us to monitor the time left.
14. Show bonus mana from talent or traits as it was before update 7.0.
15. Bring back the missing gold per hour display.
16. Resolve the hard cap issue on resources (new)
17. Place a visual clock timer during battle to enable us to monitor the time left for the XP boost or newly added boost counter.
18. War Coins/War Bands Better Utilization
19. Fix the drop table in the vault and reduce the Cedric drop rate.
Nothing - New Cedric rewards introduced but not solving the problem still.
20. Option to disable Genie/Demon appearance in explores. New by @DracoL1ch
21. Pet Rescue reworked New by @JHM
Pet Rescue rework - Feature Requests and Game feedback - Gems of War | Forums
22. Change dungeon to give dragonite daily and more on a perfect run, instead of only on a perfect run (the amount can stay the same, but it feels better to players to be constantly making progress). New by @JHM
23. Auto-mapping tower of doom. New by @DracoL1ch
24. Points information included in world events. New by @DracoL1ch
25. Add a kingdom with traits based around countering status effects. New by @JHM
26. Add the ability to trade ALL extra pets for pet food once fully upgraded, as well as trading just the current pet. New by @JHM
27. Add silver star PvP battle progress to be shown in “choose battle” PvP screen. New by @JHM
28. Re-organise the victory cards screen to make it clearer to see rewards gained. Maybe make common rewards like gold, souls, treasure maps and glory fixed and show the others in one or two rows so they can easily be seen, with prioirty changed to be in line with what players want to see most, at the right-hand end (so gnome rewards, valraven sigils, silver marks, etc). New by @JHM
29. Dragon eggs and sentinel dupe protection.
By @Seward101
30. Option to cancel spell at target selection if cast by mistake. New by @No_Tu
31. Rework the new PVP and the Blood frenzy system to have it with better team restrictions and ensure enjoyment while playing the game mode.
Few changes but not fixing the issue yet
32. Conversion from Silver Marks to Gold Marks.
33 Rework some of Trails troop lineups. such as Bright Forest trails having Florian that has a spell that drains mana where the enemy is immune to drain mana. So basically it is useless to have in the lineup.
Nothing, only now you’re able to change the lineup
34 PVP Alliance improvements :
Few changes but nothing that was asked earlier, needs lots of improvement